Poverty reduction, livelihoods and jobs
Supporting smallholder farmers to better combat drought
Climate adaptation and mitigationCSISA project suggests pathways to remove barriers inhibiting full use of groundwater irrigation infrastructure in Nepal’s Terai region.
In the best possible taste
Nutrition, health and food securityResearchers in Kenya and Uganda are incorporating sensory preferences like taste, smell or texture into maize breeding.
Out of the classroom and into the field
Capacity developmentMalawian smallholders tackle challenges together using the farmer field school approach.
A less risky business
Climate adaptation and mitigationThrough new project, tools and insurance services will help small farmers in eastern Africa reduce investment risks and losses related to climate.
Don’t forget about the impact of COVID-19 on the rural poor and on food security
Gender equality, youth and social inclusionThe Scaling Up community of practice discusses challenges and opportunities for an improved “new normal” for agriculture, research and development.
For a food system at risk, women are key yet often overlooked
Gender equality, youth and social inclusionOur climate change-ravaged food systems cannot wait for the gradual progress of gender quality.
Equal and climate-smart
Climate adaptation and mitigationWomen in Malawi are inspiring the next generation of smallholder farmers to adopt climate-smart technologies.
Moving out of poverty or staying poor
Gender equality, youth and social inclusionIs it up to the village men? Or women, too?
Include small indigenous production systems to improve rural livelihoods
Nutrition, health and food securityNew research recommends targeted assistance and engagement with small farmers in rural Guatemala to improve livelihoods and reduce migration pressures.
Pulses, cobs and a healthy soil prove the success of a rural innovator
Climate adaptation and mitigationLong-term research on climate-smart agriculture in Malawi has improved the productivity, resilience and prospects of Mary Twaya, a single mother of three.
Embracing change: How family farmers can face the future
Nutrition, health and food securityCABI’s CEO Trevor Nicholls and CIMMYT’s Director General Martin Kropff analyze the challenges and opportunities for family farmers in the next decade.
Study proposes alternative to conventional technology adoption research in smallholder agriculture
Gender equality, youth and social inclusionAn alternative conceptual framework uses a process-oriented approach to understand technological change that focuses more on the agency of different social actors in the agricultural system.
Ethiopian farmers weatherproof their livelihoods
Climate adaptation and mitigationFarmers boost their climate resilience and make money as they phase out a 25-year-old maize variety and replace it with drought-tolerant BH661 seeds.
Six investments to help family farmers thrive in the next decade
Nutrition, health and food securityCIMMYT’s director general and CABI’s CEO propose six ways to support family farmers.
Smallholder wheat production can cut Africa’s costly grain imports
Nutrition, health and food securityScientists are working to catalyze local farming and help meet the rapidly rising regional demand wheat.