Working with smallholders to understand their needs and build on their knowledge, CIMMYT brings the right seeds and inputs to local markets, raises awareness of more productive cropping practices, and works to bring local mechanization and irrigation services based on conservation agriculture practices. CIMMYT helps scale up farmers’ own innovations, and embraces remote sensing, mobile phones and other information technology. These interventions are gender-inclusive, to ensure equitable impacts for all.
Strengthening maize value chains in Nepal
The International Maize Conference highlights CIMMYT’s commitment to driving innovations, promoting knowledge sharing, and strengthening partnerships to advance Nepal’s national maize sector.
Enhanced radiation use efficiency and grain filling rate as the main drivers of grain yield genetic gains in the CIMMYT elite spring wheat yield trial
CIMMYT’s Wheat Breeding Program boosted grain yield by 0.96% annually at the Norman E. Borlaug Research Station in Mexico, showing global success and potential for further improvement.
New High-Yield Corn Variety Boosts Agricultural Productivity in Peru
Source: Nutri News ()
The new INIA 608 – ALLIMASARA corn variety in Peru boosts agricultural yields and sustainability through CIMMYT and INIA’s collaboration.
A sustainable agrifood systems approach in conflict-ridden Sudan
CIMMYT, in partnership with USAID, is implementing the Sustainable Agrifood Systems Approach for Sudan, an integrated agrifood system model designed to underpin food security through scalable development opportunities and sustainable agricultural practices.
Gridded crop modeling to simulate impacts of climate change and adaptation benefits in ACASA
Gridded crop modeling builds an understanding of how climate change impacts crops, helping researchers to adapt agricultural methods and combat food insecurity.
Harnessing econometric and statistical tools to support climate-resilient agriculture
Econometric and statistical methods lead to informed decision-making and safeguard agricultural productivity in the face of climatic hazards in South Asia.
Unlocking insights from literature: exploring adaptation options in ACASA
Using Systematic Literature Review, ACASA has identified key climate adaptation options and assessed their effectiveness.
Kenyan researchers release armyworm-resistant maize seeds
Source: Milling Middle East & Africa ()
KALRO, supported by CIMMYT, has developed armyworm-resistant maize to enhance food security in Kenya.
Responsible sourcing: how farmers, companies work together
Source: Mexico Business News ()
Eight new CIMMYT maize hybrids available from Eastern Africa breeding program
CIMMYT offers new, improved maize hybrid to partners, to scale up production for farmers in the region.
Cargill Mexico and CIMMYT award top food security and sustainability projects in Mexico
The award addresses food insecurity and acknowledges projects that prioritize the care of the country’s agrifood systems.
With agricultural diversification, more is better
Combining diversification strategies boosts synergies and reduces tradeoffs.
Successful surveillance results in early first detection of Ug99 in South Asia
Source: AgNews ()
The early detection of the Ug99 wheat stem rust strain TTKTT in Nepal exemplifies the efficacy of global wheat disease surveillance efforts coordinated by CIMMYT and its partners.
Unlocking the power of collaboration in global wheat science
CIMMYT and NARS scientists exchange knowledge on wheat improvement efforts in Pakistan, Nepal, and India.
Arun K Joshi receives prestigious Sh. VS Mathur Memorial Award
The award recognizes Joshi’s outstanding contribution to wheat improvement in India.