Working with smallholders to understand their needs and build on their knowledge, CIMMYT brings the right seeds and inputs to local markets, raises awareness of more productive cropping practices, and works to bring local mechanization and irrigation services based on conservation agriculture practices. CIMMYT helps scale up farmers’ own innovations, and embraces remote sensing, mobile phones and other information technology. These interventions are gender-inclusive, to ensure equitable impacts for all.
DuPont Pioneer explores support for CGIAR Excellence in Breeding Platform
A DuPont Pioneer leadership delegation visited CIMMYT HQ on 12 May, 2017.
Breaking Ground: Vijay Chaikam develops doubled haploid lines to accelerate maize breeding
Vijay Chaikam works as a scientist and manager at the International Maize and Wheat Improvement Center doubled haploid facility in Kiboko, Kenya.
New Publications: Common platform improves collaboration for research on genetic resources
A common platform through which data on genetic resources can be disseminated to both crop researchers and breeders can strengthen research communities.
USAID delegation tours sustainable agriculture activities in Bangladesh
A delegation of USAID representatives recently visited southern Bangladesh to learn about sustainable agriculture activities in the area and emerging challenges to wheat production.
Scaling up research for impact
As part of a German Development Cooperation effort to aid the scaling up of agricultural innovations, Lennart Woltering recently joined CIMMYT’s Sustainable Intensification Program.
Q+A: Agricultural mechanization fuels opportunity for youth in rural Africa
Small-scale agricultural mechanization is showing signs it has the potential to fuel rural employment for youth in sub-Saharan Africa, according to researchers.
Breaking Ground: Hands on experience gives Carolina Camacho insight into farming best practices
Tending her own crops gives Carolina Camacho insights into the challenges farmers face that she could never have learned in a classroom.
New selection method allows for rapid development of improved maize varieties
MARS is helping maize breeders develop higher yielding and drought-tolerant improved varieties faster than ever before, according to a recent study from CIMMYT scientists.
Closing the circle: Kanwarpal Dhugga works at CIMMYT
Growing up on a small farm in India’s northwest Punjab state, Kanwarpal Dhugga was a young boy when the first Green Revolution wheat varieties arrived in his village.
New maize hybrid shows resistance to stem borers in South Africa
Smallholder farmers in South Africa can now access and grow new maize varieties with transgenic resistance to stem borers, the most damaging insect pest of maize.
Bangladesh urges $500 million in funds to intensify surface water irrigation
Most current food security projections show that staple crop production must double by 2050 to keep up with global need, which will continue to expand.
Breaking Ground: Xuecai Zhang prepares future generation of crop breeders
Xuecai Zhang wants to merge traditional maize breeding methods with new software and other tools to help improve farmers’ yields faster than ever.
Breaking Ground: Cesar Petroli on data-driven use of maize genetic diversity
Access to genetic data can revolutionize research partnerships and lead to major benefits for crop breeders aiming to help smallholder farmers boost yields, says geneticist Cesar Petroli.
CIMMYT scientist cautions against new threats from wheat rust diseases
Scientists are concerned over the proliferation of highly virulent fungal wheat diseases, including two new races of yellow rust and a new race of stem rust.
Breaking Ground: Caixia Lan on identifying building blocks for rust resistant wheat
Support for research into breeding crops resistant to wheat rust is essential to manage the spread of the deadly disease, caused vast yield losses globally in recent years, says scientist Caixia Lan.