
Working with smallholders to understand their needs and build on their knowledge, CIMMYT brings the right seeds and inputs to local markets, raises awareness of more productive cropping practices, and works to bring local mechanization and irrigation services based on conservation agriculture practices. CIMMYT helps scale up farmers’ own innovations, and embraces remote sensing, mobile phones and other information technology. These interventions are gender-inclusive, to ensure equitable impacts for all.


tag icon Innovations

Scientists assess the use of blockchain to track the impact of biofortified seeds.


tag icon Gender equality, youth and social inclusion

On International Youth Day, CIMMYT captures images of sub-Saharan African youth to celebrate their immense contributions to agriculture, farming systems, service provision and research and development.


tag icon Innovations

CIMMYT’s historic Toluca station will host a new rapid generation advancement and speed breeding facility to accelerate genetic gains in wheat.


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CIMMYT scientist applies genomics in maize breeding to achieve higher genetic gains.

In the media

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Source: Forbes México (25 Jul 2020)

Agriculture in Mexico has not stopped during the COVID-19 pandemic, but has had to reinvent itself.

In the media

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Source: Down to Earth (15 Jul 2020)

While an estimated 10 percent of India’s 44 million ha of rice is cultivated through direct seeding, the COVID-19 pandemic could lead to an increase in this practice.

In the media

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Source: World Grain (15 Jul 2020)

CIMMYT scientists perform large genome-wide association study in India, Kenya and Mexico to understand yellow rust resistance in wheat.

In the media

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Source: Farm Biz Africa (12 Jul 2020)

CIMMYT research affirms time and cost-saving advantages of sheller for smallholder maize farmers in Kenya.


tag icon Gender equality, youth and social inclusion

7 ways to make small-scale mechanization work for African farmers.


tag icon Climate adaptation and mitigation

Interest in farm machinery and crop diversification spike as farmers respond to COVID-19 labor shortages.


tag icon Innovations

The tractor-mounted reaper saves farmers time and money and offers new sources of income.


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CIMMYT’s work may begin with seeds, but our innovations support farmers at all stages of the value chain.


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Agricultural Innovation Program (AIP) comes to a close but its impact lives on.

In the media

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Source: Trouw (28 Jun 2020)

Opinions differ on if world food production could be improved if annual crops, such as maize, rice, wheat and vegetables, could be turned into perennials.