
Working with smallholders to understand their needs and build on their knowledge, CIMMYT brings the right seeds and inputs to local markets, raises awareness of more productive cropping practices, and works to bring local mechanization and irrigation services based on conservation agriculture practices. CIMMYT helps scale up farmersā€™ own innovations, and embraces remote sensing, mobile phones and other information technology. These interventions are gender-inclusive, to ensure equitable impacts for all.

In the media

tag icon Climate adaptation and mitigation

Source: Grain Central (13 Oct 2021)

Alison BentleyĀ spoke with Grain Central about CIMMYT’s breeding strategy and the use ofĀ CIMMYT germplasm in the Australian wheat-growing industry.


tag icon Innovations

CIMMYT is offering a new set of improved maize hybrids to partners, to scale up production for farmers in the region.


tag icon Climate adaptation and mitigation

Review proposes ways to accelerate climate resilience of staple crops, by integrating proven breeding methods with cutting-edge technologies.


tag icon Capacity development

BISA staff and partners gathered across India and online to mark a decade of excellence in science and partnerships, and to set ambitious goals for the coming years.

tag icon Innovations
Machinery Development Officer

tag icon Capacity development
Field Research Technician

tag icon Capacity development

Successful establishment of an agricultural machinery workshop in Meki signals a boost for private sector-driven mechanization in Ethiopia.


tag icon Innovations

Researchers found that prediction performance was highest using a multi-trait model.


tag icon Innovations

Meeting highlights new varieties, production growth and strengthened collaboration through Accelerating Genetic Gains in Maize and Wheat (AGG) project.


tag icon Environmental health and biodiversity

Researchers study the design, delivery and use of digital decision-support tools for smallholder maize farmers in northern Nigeria.


tag icon Climate adaptation and mitigation

A new initiative will monitor groundwater and will provide a framework for sustainable irrigation practices.

In the media

tag icon Climate adaptation and mitigation

Source: (3 Sep 2021)

An international collaboration has discovered a biological nitrification inhibition trait that, when transferred to growing wheat varieties, can reduce the use of fertilizers and boost yields.


tag icon Innovations

Publication reviews the history of CGIAR maize research from 1970 to 2020.

Press releases

tag icon Climate adaptation and mitigation

Scientists used a wild grass trait that inhibits soil microbes from producing environmentally-harmful nitrogen compounds. Widespread use of the new technology could lower global use of fertilizers for wheat crops.

In the media

tag icon Innovations

Source: Horti Daily (26 Aug 2021)

At CIMMYT’s experimental station in Toluca, Mexico, scientists use greenhouse technologies toĀ develop improved varieties that boost production, prevent crop disease and improve smallholder farmersā€™ livelihood.