

tag icon Capacity development

AID-I conducted a community sensitization to connect Zambian farmers with existing mobile networks that provide agricultural and climate data.

Features Videos

tag icon Gender equality, youth and social inclusion

At CIMMYT, women leaders and scientists work on the pressing issues of our times. They contribute as managers, economists, and scientists – breeders, soil experts, agronomists, GIS analysts, pathologists, etc. Every day they help CIMMYT deliver on its commitment: Science and Innovation for a Food and Nutrition Secure World.


tag icon Capacity development

A workshop to help tackle climate challenges faced by Mutoko farmers generated significant interest among farmers and stakeholders to work towards sustainable approaches.


tag icon Gender equality, youth and social inclusion

On the sidelines of the CGIAR Gender Research Conference 2023 in New Delhi, CIMMYT researchers working on gender and social inclusion across the Global South gathered to discuss pathways toward 2030 for making GESI efforts intentional and impactful.


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AID-I Tanzania partners make plans to step up activity implementation, achieve wider impact, and build resilience for larger populations in 2024.

Press releases

tag icon Capacity development

Two world-class research-for-development centers will work to raise food production and livelihoods in croplands where water is the defining constraint.


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To improve food security in Zambia and Tanzania, CIMMYT and Zamseed join forces to strengthen maize resilience.


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CIMMYT is leading South Asia’s crop diversification efforts with projects such as TAFSSA and RUPANTAR, focusing on evidence-based policies and robust support to smallholder farmers.


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A seed fair in Zambia brings together farmers to explore climate-smart seed systems.

In the media

tag icon Gender equality, youth and social inclusion

Source: Farmers Review Africa ()

CIMMYT, in collaboration with World Vegetable Center, has embarked on a partnership to enhance sustainable food production and employment for youth and women.

News Press releases

tag icon Gender equality, youth and social inclusion

The Jeanie Borlaug Laube Women in Triticum (WIT) Award honors outstanding early-career scientists engaged in wheat research.


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Academia, government and industry each have a role in attracting youth to careers in agriculture in India.


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The 2023 Borlaug Dialogue showcased CIMMYT’s collaborations in Mozambique and innovative initiatives to address agricultural challenges in Southern Africa.

News Press releases

tag icon Capacity development

Agreement builds on successful partnership in southern and eastern Africa.