Environmental health and biodiversity

The world needs better management of water, soil, nutrients, and biodiversity in crop, livestock, and fisheries systems, coupled with higher-order landscape considerations as well as circular economy and agroecological approaches.

CIMMYT and CGIAR use modern digital tools to bring together state-of-the-art Earth system observation and big data analysis to inform co-design of global solutions and national policies.

Our maize and wheat genebanks preserve the legacy of biodiversity, while breeders and researchers look at ways to reduce the environmental footprint of agriculture.

Ultimately, our work helps stay within planetary boundaries and limit water use, nutrient use, pollution, undesirable land use change, and biodiversity loss.


tag icon Climate adaptation and mitigation

Afriseed and AID-I are helping smallholder famers in Zambia transition to improved, high-yielding legumes.

Press releases

tag icon Capacity development

Two world-class research-for-development centers will work to raise food production and livelihoods in croplands where water is the defining constraint.

Blogs Explainers

tag icon Capacity development

CIMMYT leads training sessions to equip stakeholders with tools to identify and mitigate the effects of MLN.


tag icon Capacity development

CIMMYT is leading South Asia’s crop diversification efforts with projects such as TAFSSA and RUPANTAR, focusing on evidence-based policies and robust support to smallholder farmers.


tag icon Environmental health and biodiversity

CGIAR leadership visited CIMMYT to learn about the Center’s work in advancing resilient food systems.

tag icon Environmental health and biodiversity
Agricultural Economist

tag icon Climate adaptation and mitigation

In 2011, CIMMYT and ICAR committed to agricultural development in South Asia with the creation of BISA. Since then, BISA has increased crop yields, developed hardy wheat varieties and championed environmental health.


tag icon Climate adaptation and mitigation

Maize breeding innovations by CIMMYT, the International Institute of Tropical Agriculture (IITA), and CGIAR’s Accelerated Breeding Initiative, will deliver climate-resilient and nutritionally enriched maize varieties for farmers and consumers.


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The mountainous Himalayan country is facing a reduction in the production of cereals, and an increase in productivity within the limited arable area is needed.


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The 2023 Borlaug Dialogue showcased CIMMYT’s collaborations in Mozambique and innovative initiatives to address agricultural challenges in Southern Africa.


tag icon Climate adaptation and mitigation

Director of CIMMYT’s Sustainable Agrifood Systems program recognized for outstanding contributions to soil science.


tag icon Environmental health and biodiversity

CIMMYT announces three new, improved tropical maize hybrids.


tag icon Environmental health and biodiversity

Sensor technology is an efficient mitigator of crop epidemic and global food security risks.