Dryland Crops


tag icon Dryland Crops

Demonstration plots in Uganda showcase improved crops, inspiring farmers to adopt resilient varieties and boost food security

In the media

tag icon Climate adaptation and mitigation

Source: MenaFN ()

CIMMYT’s collaboration in developing drought-tolerant wheat and hybrid seeds is helping farmers in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa adapt to the growing impacts of climate change, including erratic rainfall and rising temperatures


tag icon Dryland Crops

ZARI has become a leader in climate-smart agriculture through modernized facilities and strengthened partnerships


tag icon Capacity development

CIMMYT is strengthening Africa’s dryland regions by building capacity in seed systems, crop improvement, business sustainability, and data-driven agricultural innovation

In the media

tag icon Climate adaptation and mitigation

Source: Mexico Business News ()

CIMMYT and Heineken Mexico’s “Cultivando un México Mejor” program aims to combat climate change impacts on barley production through conservation agriculture, targeting 100% sustainable barley by 2030


tag icon Capacity development

Festus Muthoka’s story reflects broader efforts in the agricultural community to introduce more resilient crop varieties that meet the needs of farmers in challenging environments