Climate adaptation and mitigation
Climate change threatens to reduce global crop production, and poor people in tropical environments will be hit the hardest. More than 90% of CIMMYT’s work relates to climate change, helping farmers adapt to shocks while producing more food, and reduce emissions where possible. Innovations include new maize and wheat varieties that withstand drought, heat and pests; conservation agriculture; farming methods that save water and reduce the need for fertilizer; climate information services; and index-based insurance for farmers whose crops are damaged by bad weather. CIMMYT is an important contributor to the CGIAR Research Program on Climate Change, Agriculture and Food Security.
New publications: Climate change impact and adaptation for wheat protein
Farmers cite climate change as biggest challenge, says World Farmers Organization at COP24 talks
Climate is the most important challenge farmers face, because “they’re just influenced by it and there is little that they can do,” explains Luisa Volpe of the World Farmers Organization.
Gratitude for soil
If we take care of our soils, our soils will take care of us.
In pictures: Six agricultural innovations combating climate change
With agriculture on the agenda at COP24, we highlight six innovations improving resilience and productivity for agriculture.
CIMMYT drought tolerant maize: A key innovation for millions of farmers, says FAO
Drought-tolerant (DT) maize was among 20 success stories featured at International Symposium on Agricultural Innovation for Family Farmers.
New study: India could cut nearly 18% of agricultural greenhouse gas emissions through cost-saving farming practices
Study identifies hotspots for biggest impact, suggests government incentives for widespread adoption
New publications: Does a climate-smart village approach influence gender equality in farming households?
To feed the world, take the science to the farmer
Experts discuss agricultural research and food security at the 2018 Borlaug Dialogue.
What is green manure? And how is it helping maize farmers?
Ten farmers in a hot and dry area of Zimbabwe trial intercropping legumes and green manure cover crops alongside their maize, to assess their impact on soil fertility.
Towards more sustainable food systems through a landscape lens
Participants in GLF Nairobi 2018 called for concrete collective action to restore degraded landscapes.
A Capacity Approach To Climate Change Modeling: Identifying Crop Management Adaptation Options
Crop growth simulation models coupled with climate model projections are promoted and increasingly used for assessing impacts of climate change on crop yields and for informing crop-level adaptations.