Climate adaptation and mitigation
Climate change threatens to reduce global crop production, and poor people in tropical environments will be hit the hardest. More than 90% of CIMMYT’s work relates to climate change, helping farmers adapt to shocks while producing more food, and reduce emissions where possible. Innovations include new maize and wheat varieties that withstand drought, heat and pests; conservation agriculture; farming methods that save water and reduce the need for fertilizer; climate information services; and index-based insurance for farmers whose crops are damaged by bad weather. CIMMYT is an important contributor to the CGIAR Research Program on Climate Change, Agriculture and Food Security.
Unleashing the potential of plant health
Climate adaptation and mitigationWebinar series from CGIAR examines the components of the crop supply chain, as part of the International Year of Plant Health.
Delivering improved maize seed against all odds
Climate adaptation and mitigationUgandan seed enterprise showcases the performance of stress-resilient maize varieties and engages agro-dealers as last mile seed merchants.
Solving South Asia’s sustainability issues will require a systems approach to crop management
Climate adaptation and mitigationNew research shows that a portfolio of crop management practices can boost productivity while minimizing harm to the environment.
Crop variety guide for farmers
Capacity developmentNew manual supports informed choices for climate resilience in Zimbabwe.
“Happy Seeder” saves farmers money over burning straw, new study in India shows
Climate adaptation and mitigationAuthors conclude that no-till, no-burn practices can cut severe pollution in northern India and that they merit strong policy support, including enforcement of bans on burning straw.
Too much or never enough
Climate adaptation and mitigationDon’t underestimate the crucial role nitrogen plays in cereal-based agroecosystems and achieving the Sustainable Development Goals.
Nitrogen in agriculture
Climate adaptation and mitigationThe most essential nutrient in global crop production is also one of the most challenging to work with.
Climate change adds to woes of lentil farmers in Nepal
Climate adaptation and mitigationSource: The Third Pole (25 Nov 2020)
Once a world leading lentil producer, Nepal is now having to import them as farmers struggle with low productivity and warmer, wetter weather.
Matching seed to farmer
Climate adaptation and mitigationNew research establishes three new definitions for targeting wheat varieties in India and validates effectiveness of testing in Obregon, Mexico.
Are solar powered irrigation systems scalable?
Climate adaptation and mitigationNew compendium analyzes existing pilot initiatives across different agro-climatic zones in India.
An instant seed market
Climate adaptation and mitigationSeed fair in Masvingo, Zimbabwe — the first of its kind — increases smallholder access to stress tolerant varieties and knowledge on climate-smart technologies.
Saving water and time
Climate adaptation and mitigationDrip irrigation technologies are conserving resources and improving farmer resilience in eastern Zimbabwe.
What can the last 30 years of research tell us?
Climate adaptation and mitigationAn expansive new review seeks out the key drivers of climate-resilient crop adoption to mobilize decades of scientific and development research towards the eradication of hunger by 2030.
Reaping carbon credits from agriculture
Climate adaptation and mitigationSource: Financial Express (30 Oct 2020)
Setting benchmarks for carbon sequestered or abated through farming and roping in companies to commercialize carbon credits can help agricultural income grow.
Reflections on resilience
Climate adaptation and mitigationMother-trial farmers in Zimbabwe’s Mwenezi district share their experiences, lessons and successes in adopting climate-resilient practices.