Capacity development

CIMMYT training courses play a critical role in helping international researchers meet national food security and resource conservation goals. By sharing knowledge to build communities of agricultural knowledge in less developed countries, CIMMYT empowers researchers to aid farmers. In turn, these farmers help ensure sustainable food security. In contrast to formal academic training in plant breeding and agronomy, CIMMYT training activities are hands-on and highly specialized. Trainees from Africa, Asia and Latin America benefit from the data assembled and handled in a global research program. Alumni of CIMMYT courses often become a significant force for agricultural change in their countries.


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CIMMYT joins global partnership to find sustainable solutions to agriculture in Latin America and the Caribbean.


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Thousands attend India’s national agricultural fair to discover the latest crop varieties and technological advancements in the country.


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In southern Africa close to 50 million people are projected to be affected by droughts caused by the current El Niño, write CIMMYT scientists.


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AIP meets to review progress and plan follow up surveys to address farmer demands and future challenges.


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CIMMYT Director General travels to Bangladesh to tackle wheat blast and other activities key to maintaining food security in the country.


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Conservation agriculture practices are climate-smart, helping farmers adapt to climate change while minimizing greenhouse gas emissions, researchers say.


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MasAgro’s annual Pacífico Sur Hub photo contest documents where extension agents work every day, from their point of view.


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CIMMYT Director General Martin Kropff presented the organization’s draft strategy with its unifying vision at the staff session in the organization’s Delhi office.


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A new video aimed at raising awareness among farmers about high-yielding, drought-tolerant maize varieties is set for distribution in eastern Kenya.


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KALRO and CIMMYT invited public and private sector partners in eastern Africa to a MLN field day at the screening facility at KALRO-Naivasha.


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A book titled Options Available for Implementing MasAgro Technologies has been published which analyzes the options available for implementing sustainable agricultural practices and technologies in 23 Mexican entities


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Top 5 new research outputs from CIMMYT covers gender and agriculture in Malawi, topsoil and organic carbon variability, and reallocation of farm resources.


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The CGIAR Research Program on MAIZE and the Royal Tropical Institute (KIT) of the Netherlands organized a workshop called “Designing projects focusing on agricultural innovation systems” in Wageningen, the Netherlands.


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The Seeds of Discovery (SeeD) project seeks to empower the next generation of Mexican scientists to use maize and wheat biodiversity to effectively meet the needs of Mexican agriculture in the future.


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Read the latest in CIMMYT’s research outputs.