Capacity development

CIMMYT training courses play a critical role in helping international researchers meet national food security and resource conservation goals. By sharing knowledge to build communities of agricultural knowledge in less developed countries, CIMMYT empowers researchers to aid farmers. In turn, these farmers help ensure sustainable food security. In contrast to formal academic training in plant breeding and agronomy, CIMMYT training activities are hands-on and highly specialized. Trainees from Africa, Asia and Latin America benefit from the data assembled and handled in a global research program. Alumni of CIMMYT courses often become a significant force for agricultural change in their countries.


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CIMMYT wheat scientist explores new sources of rust resistance to create new rust-resistant wheat varieties.


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A new video highlights the work of the Heat and Drought Wheat Improvement Consortium (HeDWIC) to create new climate-resilient wheat varieties.


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CIMMYT scientist contributed to the development and adoption of more than 70 wheat varieties in Central and West Asia.


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Visit to CIMMYT headquarters reaffirms research collaboration.


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Scientists mobilize African and Latin American knowledge to protect Asia’s maize.


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Experts are developing data and dashboards to advise policymakers about the cost and feasibility of liming to increase maize productivity.


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CIMMYT’s board witnesses the results of impactful research and market partnerships in Kenya.


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Seven young farmers, researchers and activists are advancing change, innovation and research in their communities.


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STMA project training focused on latest developments in maize research and data collection.


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The Indonesian Agency for Agricultural Research and Development (IAARD) signed a memorandum of understanding with CIMMYT to reaffirm their research partnership for maize and wheat improvement.

In the media

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Source: Dhaka Tribune (17 Aug 2019)

USAID-funded CIMMYT and iDE project helped young mechanic develop the market for his locally-manufactured machines.


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WHEAT media sponsorship connects scientists and reporters at International Wheat Congress.


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This distinction acknowledges work that has had great international impact in the sciences and other fields.


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ProMaíz Nativo will promote small-scale landrace maize farmers through certification and fair market access.


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CIMMYT’s five agricultural research stations in Mexico are instrumental for researchers’ work to develop innovative crops and sustainable farming systems worldwide.