Capacity development

CIMMYT training courses play a critical role in helping international researchers meet national food security and resource conservation goals. By sharing knowledge to build communities of agricultural knowledge in less developed countries, CIMMYT empowers researchers to aid farmers. In turn, these farmers help ensure sustainable food security. In contrast to formal academic training in plant breeding and agronomy, CIMMYT training activities are hands-on and highly specialized. Trainees from Africa, Asia and Latin America benefit from the data assembled and handled in a global research program. Alumni of CIMMYT courses often become a significant force for agricultural change in their countries.


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From smart mechanization to nutritious and drought tolerant seeds, partners discover CIMMYT’s latest research and innovations.


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CIMMYT and EIAR officially closed a wheat seed scaling project that benefitted 131,132 households.


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How important is farming relative to non-farm activities for the income of young rural Africans?


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Farmers are reaping the benefits of SAWA hybrid, an improved maize seed variety designed to withstand drought conditions.