Capacity development
CIMMYT training courses play a critical role in helping international researchers meet national food security and resource conservation goals. By sharing knowledge to build communities of agricultural knowledge in less developed countries, CIMMYT empowers researchers to aid farmers. In turn, these farmers help ensure sustainable food security. In contrast to formal academic training in plant breeding and agronomy, CIMMYT training activities are hands-on and highly specialized. Trainees from Africa, Asia and Latin America benefit from the data assembled and handled in a global research program. Alumni of CIMMYT courses often become a significant force for agricultural change in their countries.
Small but mighty
The introduction of mung bean has transformed rice-wheat food systems in Nepal and has been one of the major successes of the Agronomy and Seed Scaling project.
Two decades of illustrious service
Stephen Mugo retires from CIMMYT after more than twenty years of commitment and scientific contributions.
Plant-based materials catch on with home-goods designers
Source: The Manila Times (26 May 2020)
Mexican designer Fernando Laposse partnered with CIMMYT and works with a village of Mixtec farmers to transform unused maize husks into furniture.
Scaling up research for development in CGIAR
ILRI incorporates CIMMYT tool into their scaling framework and recommends other CGIAR centers to do the same.
This little seed went to market
Seed companies in Malawi share how they chose their flagship varieties and got them onto the commercial market.
Out of the classroom and into the field
Malawian smallholders tackle challenges together using the farmer field school approach.
Collective efforts to fight fall armyworm in Nepal
Stakeholders work together to strengthen systems for detecting, mitigating and managing the invasion of the destructive pest.
One-minute science: Cesar Petroli and genomic profiles
Developing genomic profiles of DNA samples can accelerate the breeding process.
Ready for the seed sector
CIMMYT and partners revise Nepal’s seed science and technology curriculum, so university graduates are better equipped to join the industry’s work force.
Shared responsibilities and equal economic benefits
Small-scale agricultural mechanization service provision model supports women’s empowerment in the Ethiopian agriculture sector.
Biofortified Crop Project Reaches Refugees in Zambia
Source: Inter Press Service (27 Feb 2020)
Refugees receive technical assistance, nutrition education and training on growing biofortified maize.
New year, new beginnings
Women in West Bengal form farmer groups and cooperatives drawing on sustainable agricultural practices from CIMMYT’s SRFSI project.
New project strengthens capacity to fight fall armyworm in Bangladesh
Public and private partners join forces to mitigate voracious pest.
Breaking Ground: Mandeep Randhawa fights wheat diseases using genetic resistance tools
CIMMYT wheat scientist explores new sources of rust resistance to create new rust-resistant wheat varieties.