Pravasi Bharatiya Samman winner, scientist Dr Ravi Singh is working towards food security for all
Source: Global Indian (20 Jan 2023)
A distinguished scientist and Head of Global Wheat Improvement at the International Maize and Wheat Improvement Center (CIMMYT) in Mexico, Dr. Ravi Prakash Singh dedicated almost four decades towards increasing food production across the globe.
How a new generation of women are changing wheat science
Over the past 12 years, the Jeanie Borlaug Laube Women in Triticum award has supported 66 early-career women scientists as they build a stronger, more inclusive community of wheat scholars fighting hunger worldwide.
CIMMYT-China workshop aims to facilitate future collaborations to battle climate change
CIMMYT scientists and their Chinese counterparts discuss best methods for protecting food crop production from climate change.
Exotic wheat DNA helps breed ‘climate-proof’ crops
Source: Phys.org (10 Jan 2023)
Wheat containing exotic DNA from wild relatives benefits from up to 50 percent higher yields in hot weather compared with elite lines lacking these genes, according to a new study.
Indian scientists visit CIMMYT Türkiye facility for wheat improvement systems
Identifying opportunities for collaboration and information sharing between agricultural scientists in India and Türkiye.
CIMMYT hosts third workshop of the Community of Practice for Latin America and the Caribbean
Colleagues from across Latin America and the Caribbean gather to determine the best ways to preserve germplasm and make use of genetic resources.
Participatory action research identifies solutions for improved seed storage in Bangladesh
Wheat farmers in Bangladesh have participated in the design and management of research trials to determine the best wheat seed storage options for their conditions.
The right time for the right place
Zone-specific recommendations provide Afghan farmers with the best practices in wheat production for their region.
Tracking improved crop varieties
CIMMYT and EIAR launch working group in Ethiopia to implement IMAGE, a five-year project that will improve seed variety deployment in Africa.
Setting a standard: improving field trial data
New manual helps standardize field trial data collection across Afghanistan.
Fragile global food system calls for a collaborative approach
Source: The Tribune India (2 Sep 2022)
Bram Govaerts, CIMMYT Director General, calls for greater collaboration to address global food security challenges.
Cereals research for sustainable health and well-being
The current focus in nutritional circles on micronutrient malnutrition and unhealthy eating habits has raised questions about continuing to invest in research on energy-rich cereal crops and related farming systems.
International Wheat Yield Partnership launches European Winter Wheat Hub
New hub will ensure that cutting-edge discoveries are rapidly available to the global wheat breeding community.
Space data applications for wheat and maize research
How can space technology help improve maize and wheat production? CIMMYT joined a group of international data users in a recent project to find out.