wheat rust
Rust-resistant bread wheat varieties widely adopted in Ethiopia
Study shows investments and innovative policy decisions are increasing farmer incomes and national wheat productivity, with varieties originating from CIMMYT making a significant contribution.
Hans Braun receives prestigious Norman Borlaug Award for Lifetime Achievement in Wheat Research
The award honors four individuals who have been integral to the Borlaug Global Rust Initiative.
East Africa partners welcome “new era” in wheat breeding collaboration
Experts from Ethiopia and Kenya join CIMMYT and other partners to renew a long-standing collaboration under the auspices of the new AGG project.
New analysis to help in creating yellow rust resistant wheat
Source: World Grain (15 Jul 2020)
CIMMYT scientists perform large genome-wide association study in India, Kenya and Mexico to understand yellow rust resistance in wheat.
Stripe rust hits wheat crop in Nepal
Source: Seed Quest (27 May 2020)
Nepal Agricultural Research Council and CIMMYT scientists suspect new races of stripe and leaf rust in the Nepal hills and terai in the recent 2020 wheat season.
Blast and rust forecast
New project to deliver wheat disease warnings directly to farmers’ phones in Bangladesh and Nepal.
Arms Race Part 1: Ug99
Source: Plantopia (9 Apr 2020)
CIMMYT senior scientist Dave Hodson discusses striking parallels between wheat rust and global human epidemics on new podcast.
Crossing boundaries
Looking at wheat diseases in times of the COVID-19 crisis.
Growers issued yellow rust warning
Source: Dawn (6 Feb 2020)
CIMMYT warns wheat-growing farmers in Pakistan to watch for yellow rust disease.
Breaking Ground: Mandeep Randhawa fights wheat diseases using genetic resistance tools
CIMMYT wheat scientist explores new sources of rust resistance to create new rust-resistant wheat varieties.
Agricultural solutions to tackle humanity’s climate crisis
Science offers opportunity to curb greenhouse gas emissions related to agriculture and meet climate goals.
Ethiopia, great mobilization against wheat rust
Source: Donne del Food (28 Nov 2019)
Rapid alert system has been developed to predict the spread of wheat rust.
Scientists develop an early warning system that delivers wheat rust predictions directly to farmers’ phones
New research describes a revolutionary early warning system that can predict and mitigate wheat rust diseases in Ethiopia.
New publications: Special collection on wheat genetics and breeding
Researchers present highlights from 40 years of collaboration on wheat genomics, breeding for disease resistance and quality improvement.