Advanced Training in Conservation Agriculture: Fostering Sustainable Agronomic Systems
CIMMYT’s training on Conservation and Regenerative Agriculture empowered participants with climate-resilient farming practices to strengthen agrifood systems
How Training Farmers to Produce Improved Seeds helps Mitigating Food Insecurity in the Conflict-Ridden Sudan
Working with partners, CIMMYT’s Sustainable Agrifood Systems Approach for Sudan (SASAS) program empowers farmers and herders to reduce the need for humanitarian assistance even in conflict-affected Sudan
Progressive development: preparing women for employment in agriculture-based light engineering
CIMMYT’s CSISA-MEA initiative, funded by USAID, is empowering women in Bangladesh’s agri-engineering sector by offering technical training and promoting gender-inclusive workplaces
Empowering local mechanics for sustainable machinery maintenance
Training workshop for Zimbabwean mechanics guarantees efficient machinery service under USAID-funded Mechanization Activity.
Forging scaling partnerships in Latin America: Scaling specialists meet to strengthen future collaborations and learn from past experiences
Scaling specialists from around the world met in Texcoco to reflect on their scaling work in Latin America towards sustainable agri-food systems.
Building capacities for advanced modern breeding programs in Africa
CIMMYT trains scientists in product profile-based maize breeding for increased genetics gains.
For women in Ivory Coast, processing cassava no longer has to be a grind
Mechanical grinders and presses are transforming cassava production in Ivory Coast and empowering women.
Opening the door to commercial fodder production
CIMMYT is partnering with GIZ in Zambia to clear hurdles for smallholder farmers to produce fodder at a commercial level.
In Burkina Faso, a business model for mechanization is providing hope
CIMMYT and its partners are helping farmers branch out into business to improve crop yield and create job opportunities in their communities.
The right time for the right place
Zone-specific recommendations provide Afghan farmers with the best practices in wheat production for their region.
Setting a standard: improving field trial data
New manual helps standardize field trial data collection across Afghanistan.
Can agriculture bring South Asian countries together?
An article in Amar Ujala in India explores the cross-country collaboration instigated by the Borlaug Institute for South Asia.
Strengthening capacity and building national and regional partnerships in the seed sector
CIMMYT and its partners provide training on hybrid maize seeds to value chain actors from South Asia.
The power of data in improving conditions for female farmers
With the help of big data, CIMMYT researchers in Bangladesh partner with Michigan State University and local NGOs to pinpoint opportunities to increase women’s participation in farm extension training sessions.