smallholder farmers
Why early-stage on-farm sparse testing could be a game changer for crop breeding in Africa
Climate adaptation and mitigationAgro fair in Kailali rejuvenates farmers
Capacity developmentSource: República ()
CIMMYT’s Kailali Agro Fair inspired farmers to adopt modern machinery, transforming local agriculture
It’s time to scale: Emerging lessons from decades of Conservation Agriculture research in Southern Africa
Climate adaptation and mitigationACASA’s research yields not just data but seeds of hope, foreseeing a transformative future in CA adoption, shaping African agriculture and beyond.
Unanswered questions and unquestioned answers
Environmental health and biodiversityCrop residue and weed control in southern Africa
Women farmers turn the tide on soybean production
Gender equality, youth and social inclusionIn Mozambique, women spearhead efforts to enhance soybean yields with improved agronomic practices, yielding community-wide benefits.
Advancing appropriate-scale mechanization in the Global South
Climate adaptation and mitigationPremised on sharing best practices and charting a way forward towards harnessing appropriate scale mechanization, CIMMYT led an engaging meeting with key stakeholders in Zambia.
Mechanization can transform but scaling is a challenge
Capacity developmentSource: Mexico Business News ()
CIMMYT advances agricultural mechanization to boost smallholder farming, targeting efficiency and inclusivity.
EU-funded project refurbishes Gwanda veterinary lab, boosting livestock disease control
Environmental health and biodiversitySource: CITE (3 Nov 2023)
CIMMYT collaborates to enhance disease control for livestock, assisting smallholder farmers.
Bringing mechanization to farmers’ doorsteps
InnovationsA mechanization project promotes the uptake of scale-appropriate machinery for smallholder farmers in rural Zimbabwe.