Are advisory apps a solution for collecting Big Data?
CIMMYT has been researching the use of mobile apps to provide site-specific agronomic advice to farmers.
CIMMYT recognized for support in restoring Guatemalan seed systems after hurricane
The seed varieties stored in the CIMMYT germplasm bank were of vital importance in efforts to restore food security in the aftermath of Hurricane Stan.
Wheat blast screening and surveillance training in Bangladesh
Workshop participants learned how to use the latest in technology to identify and keep track of the deadly Wheat Blast disease.
How a seed bank in Mexico produces data to help alleviate poverty
Scientist Kevin Pixley leads a project to catalogue 178,000 corn and wheat seeds at the CIMMYT seed bank near Mexico City.
Asian scientists join cross-continental training to restrain wheat blast disease
Nine South Asia wheat researchers recently visited the Americas for training on measures to control a deadly and mysterious wheat blast disease.
Experts call for data revolution to achieve Sustainable Development Goals
Modern data systems are essential to monitor, manage and plan actions taken by governments to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals by 2030.
Breaking Ground: Cesar Petroli on data-driven use of maize genetic diversity
Access to genetic data can revolutionize research partnerships and lead to major benefits for crop breeders aiming to help smallholder farmers boost yields, says geneticist Cesar Petroli.
Surveillance training to control wheat blast in Bangladesh
40 wheat pathologists, breeders and agronomists gathered to combat wheat blast at the Bangladesh Agricultural Research Institute (BARI) at Gazipur, Bangladesh.
Maize seed and training aim to reduce aid dependency in Haiti
The Haiti Mayi project aims to kick-start a local seed sector, keep famine at bay, end dependence on international aid and reduce imports.
Wheat training foundation offers hope to end rural poverty
In her youth, Tunisian Manel Othmeni developed an interest in interacting with plants, a fascination that later grew into a passion for wheat research.
Big data for development research
Both private and public sector research organizations must adopt data management strategies that keep up with the advent of big data if we hope to effectively and accurately conduct research.
Training on developing stress-resilient maize at CIMMYT-Hyderabad, India
A training course on developing stress-resilient maize for early-/mid-career maize breeders from national programs, agricultural universities and seed companies, especially small and medium enterprises (SMEs), was held at CIMMYT-Hyderabad, India, on 15 May 2015. The course was open to partners in the Heat Tolerant Maize for Asia (HTMA) project and members of the International Maize Improvement Consortium (IMIC-Asia). It covered key aspects of precision phenotyping, including enhancing precision of field trials, managing adequate levels of stress to express available genotypic variability, using advanced tools to capture data efficiently and precision in recording various traits in phenotyping trials.