
In the media

tag icon Climate adaptation and mitigation

Source: The Third Pole (25 Nov 2020)

Once a world leading lentil producer, Nepal is now having to import them as farmers struggle with low productivity and warmer, wetter weather.


tag icon Capacity development

Small-mechanization pilot initiative signs up 15 service providers to boost incomes and resilience through a lease-to-own business model in Masvingo, Zimbabwe.


tag icon Capacity development

Precision nutrient management helps women farmers in Nepal increase crop yields and household incomes.


tag icon Innovations

Platform in Bihar, India uses data to design interventions to help smallholder farmers.


tag icon Climate adaptation and mitigation

CIMMYT and partners in sub-Saharan Africa work with seed companies to invest in deployment of climate-resilient and nutritionally enriched maize seed.

In the media

tag icon Climate adaptation and mitigation

Source: India Science Wire (22 Sep 2020)

Approach combines farmers’ knowledge of resilient crops with ‘elite’ varieties identified by scientists.


tag icon Innovations

Study shows how the Crop-loss Assessment Monitor could help improve loss assessment and make crop insurance more efficient.


tag icon Nutrition, health and food security

A survey conducted by CIMMYT researchers collected insights from over 200 key value-chain market actors.


tag icon Capacity development

Service provider harvest model could create opportunities for young African entrepreneurs while reducing carbon emissions.


tag icon Climate adaptation and mitigation

Maize and wheat seeds from all over the world are preserved at the CIMMYT genebank, used to bring new varieties to farmers, and backed up at the Global Seed Vault.


tag icon Capacity development

Malawian smallholders tackle challenges together using the farmer field school approach.


tag icon Capacity development

Stakeholders work together to strengthen systems for detecting, mitigating and managing the invasion of the destructive pest.


tag icon Climate adaptation and mitigation

For the first time widespread monitoring examines how farmers are coping with climate stresses.


tag icon Innovations

New maize varieties to bolster seed sector and enhance farm productivity.


tag icon Capacity development

Public and private partners join forces to mitigate voracious pest.