seed systems
Ethiopian machines for Ethiopian farmers
Locally produced seed cleaners are making a big difference in Ethiopia and inspiring innovation in Benin.
A seed systems success story
Drought-tolerant maize seed thrives in Zambia through partnerships with the private sector.
Strengthening partnerships with government and private sector in Malawi
CIMMYT-led event bringing private sector and government together is a success story of the power of collaboration.
Scaling impact of dryland crops research through regional crop improvement networks
Scientists and stakeholders in Africa are co-designing a network approach to improve and expand dryland crops value chains in the continent.
Market Intelligence Briefs – a new publication series to inform crop-breeding decisions
The CGIAR Initiative on Market Intelligence releases two reports on a framework for informing crop breeding and future market segments for hybrid maize.
Smallholder farmers embrace climate-smart seed and mechanization fairs
Around one thousand farmers flocked to a recent two-day climate-smart seed and mechanization fair in Zimbabwe’s Masvingo district, signaling strong interest in these two climate adaptation strategies.
Planting Better Seeds a Key for Mexico’s Food Security
Source: Mexico Business News (14 Oct 2022)
Bram Govaerts discussing the development of seed systems that work for smallholder farmers.
Tracking improved crop varieties
CIMMYT and EIAR launch working group in Ethiopia to implement IMAGE, a five-year project that will improve seed variety deployment in Africa.
Strengthening capacity and building national and regional partnerships in the seed sector
CIMMYT and its partners provide training on hybrid maize seeds to value chain actors from South Asia.
Cereal seed systems
Discover how CIMMYT scientists support getting new improved seeds to farmers fields, faster.
Pilot of new wheat variety improves yield for farmers in Ethiopia
Farmers in Ethiopia’s lowlands trialed usage of the Kingbird wheat variety, with promising results for improved yield and increased income.
Cereal seed value chains in Nepal
A new study provides deeper insights into improving the performance of the country’s rice and maize seed value chains.
It is time to invest in the future of Afghanistan’s wheat system
Afghan farmers need varieties with improved traits such as heat and drought resilience, incorporating functional variation from existing landrace collections.
A new seed policy ushers in a new era of hybrid seed business in Nepal
Source: Agrilinks (26 Apr 2022)
A change in policy by the Nepalese government in February 2022 opens up space for private seed companies to be involved in seed variety development, evaluation and distribution to farmers.
CIMMYT to lead CGIAR varietal improvement and seed delivery project in Africa
The AVISA project aims to improve the health and livelihoods of millions by increasing the productivity, profitability, resilience and marketability of nutritious grain, legumes and cereal crops.