Exploration of options for functional seed systems and understanding of market needs for cereals and pulses in sub-Saharan Africa
The Seed Systems and Market Intelligence team of CIMMYT’s Sustainable Agri-Food Systems Programme met in Kenya for a three-day retreat to review cutting-edge research on seed systems and market dynamics.
Potential for independent performance information to shape farmers’ seed choice for hybrid maize: Insights from Kenya
CIMMYT uses innovative survey technique to quantify how farmers seed purchases can be influenced by information on product performance
Strengthening seed systems with Zamseed
To improve food security in Zambia and Tanzania, CIMMYT and Zamseed join forces to strengthen maize resilience.
Scaling up health diet seed kits in Zanzibar
Health diet seed kits are enhancing food and nutrition security in Zanzibar.
Participatory action research identifies solutions for improved seed storage in Bangladesh
Wheat farmers in Bangladesh have participated in the design and management of research trials to determine the best wheat seed storage options for their conditions.
Strengthening capacity and building national and regional partnerships in the seed sector
CIMMYT and its partners provide training on hybrid maize seeds to value chain actors from South Asia.
Space data applications for wheat and maize research
How can space technology help improve maize and wheat production? CIMMYT joined a group of international data users in a recent project to find out.