From silver bullets to transition science in the CGIAR: reflections on the scalingXchange Call to Action
Recent shifts in how scaling is approached have helped alter attitudes toward how change happens, and we are now approaching a tipping point for doing scaling better.
CM holds parleys with experts of BISA to give major push to crop diversification in the state
Source: Face2News (3 Sep 2022)
Opportunities for crop diversification and improved water usage are key topics between Punjab Chief Minister Bhagwant Mann and CIMMYT Director General Bram Govaerts at a recent meeting in India.
More than machines
In collaboration with GIZ, CIMMYT’s Scaling Scan is helping Green Innovation Centers in Africa address the sustainability problem.
Transforming Smallholder Food Systems in the Eastern Gangetic Plains (Rupantar)
Are solar powered irrigation systems scalable?
New compendium analyzes existing pilot initiatives across different agro-climatic zones in India.
The beginning of a beautiful partnership
Experts discuss solutions to postharvest losses and how agricultural mechanization can benefit rural women in the Global South.
Development Partners Explore Scaling Up Food Systems Transformation in Africa Post-COVID-19
Source: All Africa (10 Sep 2020)
African Green Revolution Forum panel discussed and policies to encourage small and medium-enterprise (SME) growth.
Study proposes alternative to conventional technology adoption research in smallholder agriculture
An alternative conceptual framework uses a process-oriented approach to understand technological change that focuses more on the agency of different social actors in the agricultural system.
Innovations for cross-continent collaborations
Harinder Sidhu, Australian High Commissioner to India, visits Borlaug Institute for South Asia and climate-smart village.