pest and disease resistance
Building global capacity to combat wheat blast
In collaboration with ZARI and other partners, CIMMYT brought together wheat scientists, researchers, academics, policymakers, and extension agents to address the urgent threat of wheat blast across borders.
CIMMYT and China join forces to tackle wheat disease in Africa
Experts from Chinese agricultural research organizations and CIMMYT partnered to deliver workshops for African scientists and breeders on mitigating the effects of wheat Fusarium head blight.
Successful surveillance results in early first detection of Ug99 in South Asia
The detection of a Ug99 race in Nepal highlights the effectiveness of the wheat rust surveillance and monitoring systems developed by CIMMYT and partners.
Bargaining for Better: How gender roles in household decision-making can impact crop disease resilience
A study by CIMMYT found a positive association between women’s role in household decisions concerning crop production and the adoption and turnover of rust-resistant wheat varieties.
East African wheat breeding pipeline and E&SSA network
Genetic trials in the region will continue throughout 2024 and 2025 to establish a baseline for genetic gains and to enable the assessment of the breeding pipeline’s progress in the coming years.