Enhancing agricultural research with FAO’s AGRIS and AGROVOC programs: A conversation with CIMMYT’s knowledge management team
CIMMYT leverages AGRIS for global visibility and AGROVOC for seamless data access, advancing its mission to share vital agricultural knowledge.
Enhancing the resilience of our farmers and our food systems: global collaboration at DialogueNEXT
CIMMYT and the World Food Prize Foundation co-organized DialogueNEXT—Seeds of strength: Nurturing farmer resilience, held at CIMMYT headquarters in Mexico from 10 to 11 July 2024. The event brought together scientists, agribusiness leaders, farmers, and policymakers from over 200 organizations and 55 nations, to help shape global collaboration and strategies for sustainably producing nutritious food for all, within planetary boundaries.
Cultivating healthier communities with provitamin A maize varieties
A CIMMYT-led study highlights how provitamin A maize could make a real difference in vitamin A intake of smallholder farmers in rural areas of Zimbabwe.
Revolutionizing food security: Africa’s millet renaissance
With the right mix of policy support, technological innovation, and market development, millets have the potential to become the cornerstone of Africa’s resilient and sustainable agricultural future.
Women farmers turn the tide on soybean production
In Mozambique, women spearhead efforts to enhance soybean yields with improved agronomic practices, yielding community-wide benefits.
Scientists at NaSARRI to develop iron and zinc bio-fortified sorghum
Source: Charmar News ()
CIMMYT, in partnership with NaSARRI and stakeholders, is pioneering a project in Uganda to biofortify sorghum with iron and zinc to reduce malnutrition in East Africa.
Scaling up health diet seed kits in Zanzibar
Health diet seed kits are enhancing food and nutrition security in Zanzibar.
LIPS-Zim empowers smallholder farmers
Source: NewsDay (7 Sep 2023)
CIMMYT in partnership with various research institutions, seeks to increase livestock production and productivity by farmers through the Livestock Production Systems in Zimbabwe (LIPS-Zim) project.
Healthy Eating Week 2023: Sustainably feeding a growing world
CIMMYT continues to contribute to human health, productivity and sustainable agriculture through the production and consumption of healthy foods, reducing ecological impact and improving the nutrition of rural communities.
Science and partnerships are critical to reach G7 food security goals
CIMMYT offers proven science and formidable partnerships to help achieve the recently stated G7 ambitions for global food security and nutrition.
Strengthening partnerships with government and private sector in Malawi
CIMMYT-led event bringing private sector and government together is a success story of the power of collaboration.
Exploring the potential for scaling nutritious cereal-based foods
CIMMYT’s agrifood systems research looks at how to better connect farmers to consumers in a sustainable way, allowing for higher benefits from farming and increased access to nutritious cereal-based food for consumers.