

tag icon Climate adaptation and mitigation

Genetic trials in the region will continue throughout 2024 and 2025 to establish a baseline for genetic gains and to enable the assessment of the breeding pipeline’s progress in the coming years.


tag icon Capacity development

CIMMYT is actively engaging a wide spectrum of stakeholders to define and harmonize target product profiles across Africa, with farmers at the heart.


tag icon Capacity development

CSISA-MEA, with support from USAID, organized exposure visits to India for Bangladeshi farmers to encourage environmentally friendly practices and business expansion among ABLE enterprises.


tag icon Innovations

Kenyan farmers’ preference for early-maturing seed underscores the importance of sales data for informed breeding decisions.


tag icon Innovations

Energized linkages with grain buyers through the Nepal Seed and Fertilizer Project have farmers planning to expand maize cropping.

Associate Scientist - Environmental and Resource Economist

Assistant Research Associate - Plant Breeding

SAS Program Manager- Africa

Rural Finance Specialist

tag icon Nutrition, health and food security

Reduced wheat exports from Russia and Ukraine are causing an increase in price rises in countries where food security is already a concern.


tag icon Capacity development

CIMMYT experts share latest updates in efforts to achieve feed self-sufficiency and more sustainable agrifood systems in Nepal.