maize breeding
Six New CIMMYT maize hybrids available from eastern Africa Breeding Program
Five new CIMMYT maize hybrids available from South Asia Breeding Program
Seven new CIMMYT maize hybrids available from Southern Africa Breeding Program
CIMMYT is happy to announce seven new, improved tropical maize hybrids that are now available for uptake by public and private sector partners.
New CIMMYT maize hybrids available from Latin America Breeding Program
CIMMYT is offering a new improved maize hybrid to partners, to scale up production for farmers in the region.
Making purple maize a seed of prosperity for Peruvian farmers
High-yielding purple maize, introduced into Peruvian agriculture by Alicia Medina Hoyos, is attracting global attention.
Quality protein maize: a road ahead
To alleviate malnutrition associated with essential amino acids, QPM development and deployment should be further proliferated to reach a large number of consumers.
Special issue on gender research in agriculture highlights CIMMYT’s work on gender inclusivity
New issue spotlights importance of gender inclusive approach to agricultural research for development.
Drought-tolerant maize and use of forecasting in agriculture praised by the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation
CIMMYT and CGIAR scientists develop drought-tolerant maize and use forecast information to prevent the spread of crop diseases.
New direction in research for advancing gender-responsive maize breeding
Research on gender and maize looks to move beyond trait preferences at seed demand more broadly.
A decade of world-leading maize and wheat research
Legacy websites and photo exhibition mark the closing of the CGIAR Research Programs on Maize and Wheat, and their impact on sustainable agricultural development.
FG authorizes deregulation of TELA maize in Nigeria
Source: The Guardian Nigeria (10 Oct 2021)
Nigeria’s National Biosafety Management Agency (NBMA) has approved the commercialization of TELA Maize seeds—a drought-tolerant and insect-protected variety aimed at enhancing food security in sub-Saharan Africa.
Greenhouse technologies used to develop resilient maize and wheat varieties
Source: Horti Daily (26 Aug 2021)
At CIMMYT’s experimental station in Toluca, Mexico, scientists use greenhouse technologies to develop improved varieties that boost production, prevent crop disease and improve smallholder farmers’ livelihood.
11 Women You Didn’t Know Revolutionized the World of Science
Source: HelloGiggles (9 Aug 2021)
A list of women leaders in STEM features Evangelina Villegas—a plant chemist at CIMMYT during its early days whose ground-breaking work on quality protein maize helped combat malnutrition among developing communities.
Maíz: en equipo, locos por la genética
Source: La Nación (26 Jun 2021)
An article in La Nación praises the work of a number of research institutions, including CIMMYT, for their use of science and technology to develop hybrid maize lines adapted to the needs of farmers, markets and consumers.
CIMMYT Releases 12 New Maize Lines
Source: Seed World (14 May 2021)
CIMMYT has released a set of 12 new maize lines adapted to the tropical environments targeted by CIMMYT and partner institutions.