maize breeding
Deployment of new tools and technologies into the CGIAR-NARS breeding program increases the rate of genetic gain per dollar invested
Innovative tools like molecular breeding, genomic selection, and doubled haploid technology boost genetic gain per dollar, enhancing efficiency in tackling drought and disease challenges in CGIAR-NARS breeding programs
Unlocking genetic innovations through collaborative pathways
The International Maize Improvement Consortium for Africa field day in Harare enabled CIMMYT to showcase genetically diverse maize lines, have structured dialogues with diverse stakeholders, and review and refine breeding strategies and approaches.
Heat tolerant maize: a solution for climate change-induced 360◦ water deficits
Heat tolerance and high yield potential are essential traits in maize to adopt climate change effects in lowland tropics.
Six new CIMMYT maize hybrids available from South Asia Breeding Program
CIMMYT offers new, improved maize hybrid to partners, to scale up production for farmers in South Asia.
Product Design Teams (PDTs): A client-oriented approach to defining market segments and target product profiles
Working groups for seed systems stakeholders, known as Product Design Teams (PDT), are improving the availability and accessibility of seeds in Africa.
Building on fifty years of collaboration, a visit by Chinese politicians to CIMMYT in Mexico breeds new opportunities for tackling global agricultural challenges
Building on fifty years of collaboration, a visit by Chinese politicians to CIMMYT in Mexico breeds new opportunities for tackling global agricultural challenges.
Market segmentation and Target Product Profiles (TPPs): developing and delivering impactful products for farming communities
CIMMYT is actively engaging a wide spectrum of stakeholders to define and harmonize target product profiles across Africa, with farmers at the heart.
Examining how insects spread toxic fungi
CIMMYT leads international collaboration to monitor invasive pests attacking post-harvest crops and the propagation of toxic fungi.
Combatting maize lethal necrosis in Zimbabwe
CIMMYT leads training sessions to equip stakeholders with tools to identify and mitigate the effects of MLN.
How CGIAR maize breeding is improving the world’s major staple crop for tropical regions
Maize breeding innovations by CIMMYT, the International Institute of Tropical Agriculture (IITA), and CGIAR’s Accelerated Breeding Initiative, will deliver climate-resilient and nutritionally enriched maize varieties for farmers and consumers.
Three new CIMMYT maize hybrids available from Southern Africa Breeding Program
CIMMYT announces three new, improved tropical maize hybrids.
Ten years later: CIMMYT facilities in East Africa continue to make a difference
A decade of maize impact, celebrating 10 years of success with CIMMYT’s maize DH and MLN screening facilities.
CGIAR Initiative on Diversification in East and Southern Africa
Building capacities for advanced modern breeding programs in Africa
CIMMYT trains scientists in product profile-based maize breeding for increased genetics gains.