Enhanced radiation use efficiency and grain filling rate as the main drivers of grain yield genetic gains in the CIMMYT elite spring wheat yield trial
CIMMYT’s Wheat Breeding Program boosted grain yield by 0.96% annually at the Norman E. Borlaug Research Station in Mexico, showing global success and potential for further improvement.
Response of African sorghum genotypes for drought tolerance under variable environments
Scientists revealed a vast diversity in the genetic resources of sorghum and provided a pathway for selecting promising genotypes for regions prone to drought in sub-Saharan Africa.
Five strides forward for CGIAR crop breeding resources and services
One CGIAR’s Breeding Resource Initiative is moving forward on an array of shared services, capacity development programs and technical support.
Tracking improved crop varieties
CIMMYT and EIAR launch working group in Ethiopia to implement IMAGE, a five-year project that will improve seed variety deployment in Africa.
Massive-scale genomic study reveals wheat diversity for crop improvement
A team of scientists has completed one of the largest genetic analyses ever done of any agricultural crop to find desirable traits in wheat’s extensive and unexplored diversity.
One-minute science: Cesar Petroli and genomic profiles
Developing genomic profiles of DNA samples can accelerate the breeding process.