food security
Wheat blast spread globally under climate change modeled for the first time
Climate change: fungal disease endangers wheat production.
New wheat varieties lauded for mitigating rust disease, increasing yield in Ethiopia
Source: Milling Middle East & Africa ()
CIMMYT’s wheat varieties boost Ethiopia’s agriculture by combating rust and increasing yields, significantly enhancing food security.
Enhancing partnerships for agricultural development
AID-I Tanzania partners make plans to step up activity implementation, achieve wider impact, and build resilience for larger populations in 2024.
What do we know about the future of agri-food systems in Central and West Asia and North Africa (CWANA)?
Source: CGIAR ()
cCIMMYT’s research and development efforts are critical in addressing the environmental and socio-economic challenges of agriculture in CWANA.
CIMMYT-BISA-ICAR partnership brings huge benefits in South Asia
In 2011, CIMMYT and ICAR committed to agricultural development in South Asia with the creation of BISA. Since then, BISA has increased crop yields, developed hardy wheat varieties and championed environmental health.
Cultivando un México Mejor: 100% sustainable barley supply
Source: Ministerie van Landbouw, Natuur en Voedselkwaliteit (18 Dec 2023)
Charting a new course in agriculture: NARC-CIMMYT synergy in Nepal
NARC and CIMMYT prioritize food security and technology adoption to transform agriculture in Nepal.
Viewpoint: Hunger crisis — The number of countries unable to feed their populations has soared 400% since 2000. Here’s why crop biotechnology is a key solution
Source: Genetic Literacy Project (11 Dec 2023)
CIMMYT and WorldVeg strengthen collaboration in the midst of the climate crisis to increase their impact
Agreement builds on successful partnership in southern and eastern Africa.
Sequestering carbon in soils: what agriculture can do
Source: Cirad (1 Nov 2023)
CIMMYT studying sustainable strategies and soil carbon stocks.
Transformative UK-CGIAR Partnership Announced at the Global Food Summit 2023
Source: Alliance Bioversity & CIAT (23 Nov 2023)
New partnership between the CGIAR and the British Government.
Nevada researcher aims to improve sorghum hybrids for dairy cattle feed
Source: Nevada Today (20 Nov 2023)
CIMMYT partnering with Melinda Yerka, an associate professor in the Department of Agriculture, Veterinary & Rangeland Sciences and her team to extend the availability of sorghum varieties.
Boosting groundnut value chains
A stakeholder meeting held with the aim of establishing a platform for dialogue among stakeholders involved in groundnut production and distribution laid the foundation for the development of groundnut farming in Tanzania.
Scientist emphasizes digital agro-advisories utilization
Source: The Horn (14 Nov 2023)
CIMMYT scientist, Kindie Tesfaye highlights the role of user-centric climate information services and advisories in empowering farmers.
Top food policy expert hails nation’s efforts to bolster its grain resilience
Source: China Daily (15 Nov 2023)
CIMMYT Director General, Bram Govaerts, praises China’s substantial investment in science and technology for food security.