food security


tag icon Gender equality, youth and social inclusion

In Colombia, sustainable agriculture specialists are developing participatory diagnostics that will pave the way for agricultural biodiversity conservation. Inclusive workshops for children providing childcare during workshops and training events have helped empower women by increasing their ability to participate.

Press releases

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FAO and CIMMYT team up to boost traditional nutrient-rich, climate-resilient crops and healthy soils to enhance diet quality for today and tomorrow.


tag icon Gender equality, youth and social inclusion

The Transformative Dryland Crops Project hopes for greater food security and increased income in northern Mozambique.


tag icon Climate adaptation and mitigation

As climate challenges intensify, a groundbreaking initiative is underway to revolutionize millet production in sub-Saharan Africa, leveraging the crop’s resilience and nutritional benefits to ensure sustainable food systems. A multi-faceted approach to enhancing millet production sets the stage for future initiatives and research aimed at realizing the full potential of millets in Africa.


tag icon Capacity development

Working with partners, CIMMYT’s Sustainable Agrifood Systems Approach for Sudan (SASAS) program empowers farmers and herders in Sudan to move towards self-sufficiency. Helping Sudanese farmers integrate potato and sweet potato into their agricultural production systems to enhance food security and crop diversity is one of the program highlights.

Press releases

tag icon Climate adaptation and mitigation

CIMMYT proposes actions to respond to the deteriorating food crisis catalyzed by the ongoing civil war in Sudan.


tag icon Gender equality, youth and social inclusion

Sorghum seeds that deliver improved yields are increasing food security for students and communities, with school farms playing a vital role in raising awareness of innovative varieties.

tag icon Gender equality, youth and social inclusion

CGIAR calls for a coordinated, global response to support the transformation of agrifood systems in Sudan.


tag icon Climate adaptation and mitigation

The release of new lines by the ADAPT-Wheat project will expand Ethiopia’s total farming area and wheat production by opening up lowland farming opportunities.


tag icon Innovations

Last week, CIMMYT welcomed Guillaume Grosso, CGIAR’s new deputy executive managing director, to its headquarters in Texcoco, Mexico.


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The active participation of rural women in agricultural development has been a fundamental element in promoting sustainable transformation in communities in southeast Mexico, Guatemala, and Honduras.


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Leaders from the CGIAR Initiative: Excellence in Agronomy visit Mexico to learn how the hubs driven by CIMMYT and collaborators have positive impacts on farming communities.

tag icon Climate adaptation and mitigation

Restoring food production within the country is just as important as emergency food aid — if not, Sudan risk racing from crisis to crisis.


tag icon Capacity development

Working with partners, CIMMYT’s Sustainable Agrifood Systems Approach for Sudan empowers women farmers in conflict-torn South Kordofan. It provides them with training and resources to increase crop yields and enhance community self-sufficiency.

Blogs Multimedia Videos

tag icon Capacity development

CIMMYT, in partnership with USAID, is implementing the Sustainable Agrifood Systems Approach for Sudan, an integrated agrifood system model designed to underpin food security through scalable development opportunities and sustainable agricultural practices.