food security
Harnessing the benefits of commercial agriculture
From being a subsistence farmer to engaging in commercial farming, from relying on traditional methods to improved farming technologies, Rajendra Kathariya has made a positive impact on himself and his family’s quality of life
Innovative Integration of Cutting-Edge AI and Genetic Diversity in Wheat Breeding Revolutionizes Agricultural Practices
Through innovative collaboration and cutting-edge technology, CIMMYT is revolutionizing wheat breeding, developing varieties that not only yield more but also thrive in adverse conditions, addressing the urgent global need for food security
Empowering women in Zanzibar: the transformative impact of amaranth farming
Training on agricultural practices for alternative crops is expanding farming opportunities for women, securing nutrition and financial security for their families and communities
The Sudan Food Security Initiative: Early wins amidst conflict and crisis
CIMMYT’s Sustainable Agrifood Systems Approach for Sudan (SASAS) program empowers farmers and herders in conflict-affected Sudan by promoting food security and reducing reliance on humanitarian aid. Working with partners, SASAS has launched the Sudan Food Security Initiative in east Sudan to ensure that over 50,000 farmers have access to certified seeds, fertilizers, herbicides, and required agricultural resources
Driving innovation through digital agriculture: Digital Ag Nepal, 2024
The two-day event aimed to explore gaps between technology and agriculture and propose digital solutions to promote sustainable development and enhance food security in Nepal. Experts from around the world shared emerging technologies, innovations and learning to help bridge the divide
Deployment of new tools and technologies into the CGIAR-NARS breeding program increases the rate of genetic gain per dollar invested
Innovative tools like molecular breeding, genomic selection, and doubled haploid technology boost genetic gain per dollar, enhancing efficiency in tackling drought and disease challenges in CGIAR-NARS breeding programs
Helping farmers access waterlogged agricultural lands amid prevailing food insecurity in Sudan
CIMMYT’s Sustainable Agrifood Systems Approach for Sudan (SASAS) program works to ensure that farmers have access to rich agricultural lands to cultivate their main staple and cash crops and enhance food production amid escalating conflict and prevailing food insecurity.
Eight-year study in India by CGIAR and ICAR scientists suggests adoption of Conservation Agriculture can boost yields and manage an increasing carbon footprint
Agronomists, social scientists, and climate experts study the advantages of integrating Conservation Agriculture into a wide range of cropping systems practiced in the Western Indo-Gangetic Plains.
Enhancing the resilience of our farmers and our food systems: global collaboration at DialogueNEXT
CIMMYT and the World Food Prize Foundation co-organized DialogueNEXT—Seeds of strength: Nurturing farmer resilience, held at CIMMYT headquarters in Mexico from 10 to 11 July 2024. The event brought together scientists, agribusiness leaders, farmers, and policymakers from over 200 organizations and 55 nations, to help shape global collaboration and strategies for sustainably producing nutritious food for all, within planetary boundaries.
Children, native maize, and gender perspectives
In Colombia, sustainable agriculture specialists are developing participatory diagnostics that will pave the way for agricultural biodiversity conservation. Inclusive workshops for children providing childcare during workshops and training events have helped empower women by increasing their ability to participate.
Launch of a new Global Partnership for the Vision for Adapted Crops and Soils initiative
FAO and CIMMYT team up to boost traditional nutrient-rich, climate-resilient crops and healthy soils to enhance diet quality for today and tomorrow.
Transforming agricultural systems in Mozambique
The Transformative Dryland Crops Project hopes for greater food security and increased income in northern Mozambique.
Transforming agriculture in sub-Saharan Africa: a new dawn for millet production
As climate challenges intensify, a groundbreaking initiative is underway to revolutionize millet production in sub-Saharan Africa, leveraging the crop’s resilience and nutritional benefits to ensure sustainable food systems. A multi-faceted approach to enhancing millet production sets the stage for future initiatives and research aimed at realizing the full potential of millets in Africa.