food security
Another food crisis?
The Russia-Ukraine conflict will cause massive disruptions to global wheat supply and food security. Agricultural research investments are the basis of resilient agri-food systems and a food-secure future.
Food Is Just as Vital as Oil to National Security
Source: Bloomberg (7 Mar 2022)
A new Bloomberg op-ed urges nations to steer more money to organizations like CIMMYT that are advancing crucial research on how to grow more resilient wheat and maize crops in regions that are becoming steadily less arable.
Meet The Indian Researcher Helping To Solve The Deadly Aflatoxin Puzzle
Source: Forbes (29 Dec 2022)
Pooja Bhatnagar-Mathur, a Principal Scientist at CIMMYT, says aflatoxin, a toxin produced from soil fungus and found in groundnuts like peanuts, is a serious public health and food safety problem around the globe.
Creating a better leaf
Source: The New Yorker (6 Dec 2021)
A new article in the New Yorker praises the cutting-edge technology CIMMYT, CGIAR and other scientists are developing to produce a second Green Revolution that doesn’t repeat the mistakes of the first, putting the experiences and challenges of farmers at the heart of it.
Throwing money at the problem won’t solve world hunger
Source: The Washington Post (22 Nov 2021)
Harvard Professor Gabriela Soto Laveaga stresses the importance of tackling hunger as more than a technical problem to be addressed through scientific advancement alone, praising CGIAR for its community-centered approach to food systems amid the climate crisis.
Is a pluralistic seeds system a pathway to seed security in Ethiopia?
Efforts to support inclusive and equitable access to seeds by farmers should recognize the different seed systems and the complementarity of formal and informal seed systems.
Can Uganda attain zero-hunger?
New study projects food demand in 2030 and considers the implications for meeting the Sustainable Development Goals.
Indiaâs Groundwater Is In Trouble. And It Could Cause a Food Shortage for Millions By 2025, Study Finds
Source: Green Queen (11 Aug 2021)
A recent study of the groundwater in India revealed that, by 2025, large areas of the north-western and southern parts of the country will have âcritically low groundwater availabilityâ.
MĂ©xico y EU establecen estrategia conjunta a favor de la seguridad alimentaria
Source: El Sol de MĂ©xico (16 May 2021)
Mexico’s Secretariat of Agriculture and Rural Development (SADER) and its counterpart in the United States reached an agreement to promote knowledge sharing and scientific collaboration on agriculture-related issues.
México se consolida como el tercer productor agropecuario de América Latina
Source: El Sol de MĂ©xico (29 Apr 2021)
During the presentation of Mexico’s 2021 Agri-Food Expectations, Bram Govaerts, Director General of CIMMYT, flagged a number of initiatives aimed at supporting the country’s food self-sufficiency.
Scientist boosted global wheat yield with disease-resistant varieties
Source: The Sydney Morning Herald (3 Mar 2021)
Sanjaya Rajaram, a world-renowned wheat breeder and scientist recognized with the World Food Prize, died on February 17 from COVID-19 in Ciudad Obregon, Mexico.
CIMMYT-supported researcher earns doctorate for work on gender, maize value chains and food security
Research was supported through the Stress Tolerant Maize for Africa (STMA) project.