Driving Varietal Turnover: Insights from Market Intelligence and Seed Systems in Tanzania
The workshops convened by CIMMYT and partners in Tanzania explored market intelligence and seed system strategies to accelerate varietal adoption and turnover for groundnut, sorghum, and bean stakeholders
CIMMYT and Novo Nordisk Foundation expand collaboration to drive sustainable agriculture
CIMMYT and the Novo Nordisk Foundation are partnering to advance sustainable agriculture, address food security and climate change, and empower farmers worldwide.
Connecting rural Nepalese farmers to the market through Interactive Voice Response (IVR) service
Source: ComDev Asia (26 Nov 2023)
Farmers’ Hub launched in Nigeria to boost food security and agricultural development
AVISA Farmers’ Hub initiative aims to empower local farmers, enhancing food security and agricultural development in North Central Nigeria.
New generation of farmers lead the way in making farming more productive and profitable
Smallholder farmers increasingly benefit as the younger generation adopts mechanization and sustainable agri-technologies.
A reluctant farmer changes the fortune of his inherited land
Ravi Ranjan took to farming after the death of his grandfather and, despite his initial apprehension about working in agriculture, has never looked back.
The critical role of smallholder farmers of the Eastern Gangetic Plains in the global food chain
For World Food Day, discover how CIMMYT is improving food security, livelihoods and nutrition in South Asia, with support from ACIAR.
Mexican farming can transition to be more resilient with technology
The Global Farmer Network share their perspective on the challenges facing farmers and global food security.
Science, technology and farmers, the three pillars of CIMMYT at COP26
At global climate summit, CIMMYT scientists share adaptation and mitigation solutions for farmers, and call for increased funding for agricultural research.
Bringing landraces back home, 50 years later
Half a century earlier, scientists collected and preserved samples of maize landraces in Morelos, Mexico. Now, descendants of those farmers were able to get back their ancestral maize seeds and, with them, a piece of their family history.
Six investments to help family farmers thrive in the next decade
CIMMYT’s director general and CABI’s CEO propose six ways to support family farmers.
Farmers key to realizing EAT-Lancet report recommendations in Mexico, CIMMYT highlights
CIMMYT was invited to discuss the findings of the EAT-Lancet Commission report and its implications for Mexico.
Farmers cite climate change as biggest challenge, says World Farmers Organization at COP24 talks
Climate is the most important challenge farmers face, because “they’re just influenced by it and there is little that they can do,” explains Luisa Volpe of the World Farmers Organization.