New innovative crops could significantly reduce agriculture’s climate change impact and environmental footprint
The Novo Nordisk Foundation has awarded a grant of up to USD 21.1 million to CIMMYT for a groundbreaking initiative to mitigate the environmental impact of agriculture, by developing new wheat varieties that are capable of reducing agriculture’s nitrogen footprint. The CropSustaiN initiative could have sweeping implications for global food security and environmental sustainability.
In Ethiopia, regional and local representatives endorse national framework on climate services
Ethiopian Meteorological Institute in partnership with CIMMYT organized a workshop to scale climate-smart agriculture and climate information services for the benefit of millions of small-scale farmers in Ethiopia.
What is sustainable intensification?
Farming method can boost yields, increase farmers’ profits and reduce greenhouse gas emissions.
When mothers learn from babies
The “learning by doing” concept helps farmers in Zimbabwe successfully adopt sustainable agriculture principles.
Conservation agriculture feeds people and protects the environment
Initiative in Zimbabwe pursues holistic and multi-faceted approach to support climate resilience and increase yields.
A wake-up call for the fertilizer industry
At international conference, plant nutrition experts highlight the important role of sustainability.
CIMMYT and CGIAR staff join Ethiopia’s record-breaking tree-planting campaign
People across the country planted more than 350 million trees in a day to fight deforestation and climate change.
Farmers key to realizing EAT-Lancet report recommendations in Mexico, CIMMYT highlights
CIMMYT was invited to discuss the findings of the EAT-Lancet Commission report and its implications for Mexico.
Experts analyze food systems at EAT-Lancet Commission report launch in Ethiopia
Government officials, researchers and experts developed a list of recommendations going forward.
New report calls for urgent diet and food system changes to sustainably feed world
EAT-Lancet Commission offers a roadmap for a global food system that provides a healthy, sustainable diet for the world’s 10 billion people by 2050.
Agriculture can help the world meet climate change emission targets
Climate-smart agriculture could be the solution for farmers to both cope with the impacts of climate change and reduce emissions.