How K-State research feeds the world
Source: Seek Research Magazine ()
CIMMYT collaborates with Jared Crain, former director of the Feed the Future Innovation Lab for Applied Wheat Genomics.
Because error has a price
Incorrect identification of crop varieties is widespread among farmers, according to a new CIMMYT study.
First complete cytological characterization of the 2NvS translocation
Study validates importance and uncovers new benefits of crucial wheat genome segment.
Rust-resistant bread wheat varieties widely adopted in Ethiopia
Study shows investments and innovative policy decisions are increasing farmer incomes and national wheat productivity, with varieties originating from CIMMYT making a significant contribution.
One-minute science: Cesar Petroli and genomic profiles
Developing genomic profiles of DNA samples can accelerate the breeding process.
Large-scale genomics will improve the yield, climate-resilience, and quality of bread wheat, new study shows
Scientists identified significant new chromosomal regions for wheat yield and disease resistance, which will speed up global breeding efforts.
Ethiopian policymakers consider wider use of DNA fingerprinting
This tool allows to identify varieties used by farmers and to track the adoption and impact of improved crops.
Scientists use DNA fingerprinting to gauge the spread of modern wheat in Afghanistan
New study finds that wheat farmers often do not accurately identify their varieties.