data management


tag icon Innovations

Econometric and statistical methods lead to informed decision-making and safeguard agricultural productivity in the face of climatic hazards in South Asia.


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Using Systematic Literature Review, ACASA has identified key climate adaptation options and assessed their effectiveness.


tag icon Climate adaptation and mitigation

BISA has been an exemplary partner in building and supporting a strong ACASA team and establishing strong, financially supported partnerships with NARS.

GRP Project Manager of Allele Mining Projects

CGIAR Accelerated Breeding representative

tag icon Innovations

Successful testing of phone-based groundwater monitoring in the Nepal Terai was described at World Water Week in Stockholm.


tag icon Gender equality, youth and social inclusion

New metadata schema will make it easier for scientists to find and reuse open-access data.


tag icon Gender equality, youth and social inclusion

CIMMYT system economist explores ways to streamline smallholder farming systems through mechanization, gender equity and conservation agriculture.


tag icon Innovations

Monitor, Evaluation and Learning Manager uses technological tools to streamline data gathering and analysis for improved project design.


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Platform in Bihar, India uses data to design interventions to help smallholder farmers.


tag icon Innovations

The 2020 IAAA award recognizes groundbreaking data systems and tools helping more than 150,000 farmers in Mexico.

Associate Scientist in Wheat Physiology

Germplasm Curator

Data Management Coordinator