crop diversification
Svalbard and Humanity’s Food Security
Cary Fowler and Geoffrey Hawtin received the World Food Prize for their work in conserving global crop diversity, crucially supported by CIMMYT and CGIAR’s genetic resource preservation efforts
U.S. Pledges $5M for Guatemala Food Security Initiative
Source: The Mirage ()
A $5 million initiative under the Vision for Adapted Crops and Soils is advancing sustainable agriculture and food security in Guatemala by improving soil health, crop diversity, and climate resilience
Melinda Smale: Exploring the Economic Value of Crop Diversity Conservation
Source: Dailyhunt ()
Melinda Smale’s collaboration with CIMMYT has significantly advanced the understanding of crop diversity conservation, directly contributing to global agricultural sustainability and food security
Bridging research and policy: how CIMMYT’s science shapes practice in South Asia
To truly make a difference, research must speak the language of policy. CIMMYT scientists in Bangladesh ensure their work translates into practical solutions for agrifood systems
A journey through Bangladesh’s ground-breaking agricultural practices
In a visit by USAID and CIMMYT, cutting-edge agricultural approaches in Bangladesh highlighted the power of combining technological innovations, climate-focused practices, and community power.
Roots of resilience: my journey as a Conservation Agriculture champion
Conservation Agriculture promotes climate resilience, increased crop yields, and healthier plants, supporting livelihoods and food security across the region. Grace Malaicha tells her story.
With agricultural diversification, more is better
Combining diversification strategies boosts synergies and reduces tradeoffs.
Advancing conservation agriculture
A workshop brings together scientists to share the latest innovations in conservation agriculture to benefit smallholder farmers and reduce the effects of climate change on food production.
Advanced training on conservation agriculture focuses on creating sustainable agronomic systems
During the two-week training, jointly conducted by CIMMYT-BISA-ICAR, participants learned about innovative and cutting-edge research in conservation agriculture, visited industry, and interacted with farmers for first-hand impact.
Sowing seeds of change: CIMMYT leads crop diversification efforts in South Asia
CIMMYT is leading South Asia’s crop diversification efforts with projects such as TAFSSA and RUPANTAR, focusing on evidence-based policies and robust support to smallholder farmers.
The critical role of smallholder farmers of the Eastern Gangetic Plains in the global food chain
For World Food Day, discover how CIMMYT is improving food security, livelihoods and nutrition in South Asia, with support from ACIAR.
Ending rice-wheat monopoly can ease Delhi woes
Source: The Times of India (13 Nov 2021)
ML Jat speaks with The Times of India about the work of CIMMYT and its partners on diversification and carbon credits—two futuristic ways to reduce greenhouse gas emissions from agriculture in India.
ICAR Organized “State Level Maize Day” in Haryana
Source: Krishi Jagran (15 Sep 2021)
The Indian Council of Agricultural Research (ICAR), together with CIMMYT and partners, organized a State Level Maize Day in the state of Haryana to discuss sustainable maize production systems for future generations.
Solving South Asia’s sustainability issues will require a systems approach to crop management
New research shows that a portfolio of crop management practices can boost productivity while minimizing harm to the environment.