One-minute science: Suchismita Mondal on breeding resilient wheat
Breeders are developing wheat varieties that have stable grain yield under low-water and high-temperature conditions.
Breeder friendly phenotyping
Modern phenotyping tools are crucial for crop improvement and breeders can profit much more from them.
Development of the Enterprise Breeding System well underway
Piloting the system in will begin in 2020, with more advanced functions to follow in the next three years.
One-minute science: Carolina Rivera explains wheat physiology
Growing the right wheat varieties is necessary to nutritiously feed a growing population in the context of environmental stress.
First steps taken to unify breeding software
Experts work together at hackathon to develop Enterprise Breeding System that can serve CGIAR organizations and national agricultural research programs.
New publications: Special collection on wheat genetics and breeding
Researchers present highlights from 40 years of collaboration on wheat genomics, breeding for disease resistance and quality improvement.
Breaking Ground: Velu Govindan is mainstreaming zinc to combat hidden hunger
CIMMYT wheat breeder supports smallholder farmers without access to a diversified diet by improving nutritional quality in wheat.
Smallholder farmers’ multi-front strategy combats rapidly evolving wheat rust in Ethiopia
Researchers found farmers who increased both the area growing resistant varieties and the number of wheat varieties grown per season saw the biggest yield increases.
Collaborative product profiling captures farmers’ demand for greater impact
A demand-driven, multi-lens approach ensures the best maize varieties are available to seed companies and farmers.
Warmer night temperatures reduce wheat yields in Mexico, scientists say
International gathering highlights cutting edge efforts to improve yields, nutrition, and climate change resilience of a globally vital staple food.
New manual provides quantitative approach to drought stress phenotyping
The manual covers field site selection, effects of weather, crop management and other factors to standardize the required intensity, timing and uniformity of imposed drought stress during field trials.
Ethiopian farmers weatherproof their livelihoods
Farmers boost their climate resilience and make money as they phase out a 25-year-old maize variety and replace it with drought-tolerant BH661 seeds.
Experimental stations in Mexico improve global agriculture
CIMMYT’s five agricultural research stations in Mexico are instrumental for researchers’ work to develop innovative crops and sustainable farming systems worldwide.
Modern wheat breeding benefits high- and low-input farmers, study shows
Study results underscore the value of CIMMYT’s breeding programs.
New CIMMYT pre-commercial maize hybrids available from eastern and southern Africa breeding programs
CIMMYT is offering a new set of improved maize hybrids to partners, to scale up production for farmers in these areas.