Breaking Ground
Breaking Ground: Vijay Chaikam develops doubled haploid lines to accelerate maize breeding
Vijay Chaikam works as a scientist and manager at the International Maize and Wheat Improvement Center doubled haploid facility in Kiboko, Kenya.
Breaking Ground: Hands on experience gives Carolina Camacho insight into farming best practices
Tending her own crops gives Carolina Camacho insights into the challenges farmers face that she could never have learned in a classroom.
Breaking Ground: David Guerena transfers world-class science to smallholder farmers
David Guerena recently joined CIMMYT as soil scientist-systems agronomist, he leads soils/nutrient management activities in Nepal.
Closing the circle: Kanwarpal Dhugga works at CIMMYT
Growing up on a small farm in India’s northwest Punjab state, Kanwarpal Dhugga was a young boy when the first Green Revolution wheat varieties arrived in his village.
Breaking Ground: Akhter Ali helps transform agriculture sector in Pakistan
Akhter Ali always knew he wanted to have an impact on the livelihoods of farmers in Pakistan.
Breaking Ground: Xuecai Zhang prepares future generation of crop breeders
Xuecai Zhang wants to merge traditional maize breeding methods with new software and other tools to help improve farmers’ yields faster than ever.
Breaking Ground: Monica Mezzalama keeps vital check on seed health and biosafety
Plant pathology expert Monica Mezzalama shares on keeping biosafety and seed health in check at CIMMYT.
Breaking Ground: Cesar Petroli on data-driven use of maize genetic diversity
Access to genetic data can revolutionize research partnerships and lead to major benefits for crop breeders aiming to help smallholder farmers boost yields, says geneticist Cesar Petroli.
Breaking Ground: Caixia Lan on identifying building blocks for rust resistant wheat
Support for research into breeding crops resistant to wheat rust is essential to manage the spread of the deadly disease, caused vast yield losses globally in recent years, says scientist Caixia Lan.
Breaking Ground: Bhoja Basnet sets sights on increasing wheat yield potential through hybrid seeds
Scientist Bhoja Raj Basnet shares his journey from Nepal to Mexico where he joined CIMMYT as a postdoctoral fellow working in the bread wheat improvement program.
Breaking Ground: Carolina Sansaloni explores and unlocks genetic potential from wheat genebanks
Carolina Sansaloni’s passion for genetics began when she was at university in Argentina, an interest that grew as she moved on to receive her master’s and doctoral degrees in molecular biology.
Breaking Ground: Scientist Deepmala Sehgal on the trail of novel wheat diversity
Molecular analysis research by Deepmala Sehgal has led to the discovery of novel genes for yield, disease resistance and climate resilience in previously little-used wheat genetic resources.
Breaking Ground: Jiafa Chen on improving maize and building partnerships
Jiafa Chen has helped identify new genetic resources that have been used in breeding new maize varieties that withstand environmental and biological stresses.