Breaking Ground
Breaking Ground: Pieter Rutsaert looks to better marketing for faster adoption of climate-smart maize in Africa
Markets and value chains expert studies seed demand and distribution, with the aim to help agro-dealers and seed businesses better market improved seed.
Breaking Ground: Velu Govindan is mainstreaming zinc to combat hidden hunger
CIMMYT wheat breeder supports smallholder farmers without access to a diversified diet by improving nutritional quality in wheat.
Breaking Ground: P.H. Zaidi helps Asian farmers get healthy harvests despite climate variability
CIMMYT maize physiologist supports development of new climate-resilient maize varieties that help resource-poor Asian farmers protect their food and income security.
Breaking Ground: Anani Bruce guards Africa’s maize harvest from insect pests
CIMMYT entomologist strengthens native resistance in maize against fall armyworm and equips farmers with pest control measures.
Breaking Ground: Munyaradzi Mutenje tailors innovations to farmers needs
Mutenje opens dialogue with farmers to design new interventions that target farmers’ needs and achieve positive impact.
Breaking Ground: Mechanization expert Jelle Van Loon goes as far as creativity allows
CIMMYT’s mechanization team is in a quest to build the perfect machine for each farmer.
Breaking Ground: Rahma Adam unleashes the agricultural productivity of Africa’s women and youth
CIMMYT sociologist believes there is one vital resource that remains untapped to increase food security and boost livelihoods.
Breaking Ground: Fernando H. Toledo researches new models of analysis under simulated scenarios
Toledo’s research is multidisciplinary — it involves genetics and breeding knowledge, as well as statistics and computer science.
Breaking Ground: Breeder Marcela C. Andrade bolsters maize with hardiness from ancestral races
Traits sought include better resilience under high temperatures, drought conditions or the attacks of rapidly-evolving crop diseases.
Breaking Ground: Tek Sapkota finds ways to reduce emissions from agriculture without compromising food security
He is one of the lead authors of the “Special Report on Climate Change and Land” of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC).
Breaking Ground: Susanne Dreisigacker knows wheat inside out
Dreisigacker works to discover and validate molecular markers, or DNA segments, for traits of interest.
Breaking Ground: Brendan Brown brings research to small-scale farmers
Brown’s studies allowed him to develop novel mixed methods and participatory impact pathways to promote new farming practices, such as conservation agriculture, to smallholder farmers in Africa.