apps & digital tools
CRAFT tool helps Ethiopian experts predict crop yields to improve early warning decisions
CIMMYT trains Ethiopian national partners in crop monitoring and yield forecasting as part of AICCRA’s effort to improve climate information services.
Researchers in East Africa add the Enterprise Breeding System to their work tools
Scientists, research technicians and data managers learn functionalities and applications of EBS during in-person training in Nairobi.
Understanding decision support
Researchers study the design, delivery and use of digital decision-support tools for smallholder maize farmers in northern Nigeria.
Nepal launches digital soil map
Digital platform provides information that will help increase crop productivity and improve soil health.
Breeders take quantum leap
Molecular breeding experts learn about state-of-the-art data analysis and visualization tools at Wheat Initiative workshops.
Digital nutrient management tool reduces emissions, improves crop yields and boosts farmers’ profits
New research shows that the Nutrient Expert decision tool is better for farmers’ fields, extension services and the environment.
Taking stock of the national toolbox
Researchers take stock of the fertilizer recommendation tools in available in Ethiopia in support of the country’s National Soils Strategy.
Digital revolution can transform agri-food systems
As the world becomes increasingly digital, the international agricultural research-for-development sector needs to keep up.
Breaking Ground: Andrea Gardeazábal transforms data into meaningful information
Monitor, Evaluation and Learning Manager uses technological tools to streamline data gathering and analysis for improved project design.
AgriFoodTrust platform gains momentum in quest for more inclusive, transparent agriculture
The testing and learning platform is working to tackle issues from adulterated seeds to crop residue burning.
International analytics award goes to CGIAR centers for sustainable agriculture tools
The 2020 IAAA award recognizes groundbreaking data systems and tools helping more than 150,000 farmers in Mexico.
Launching the AgriFoodTrust platform
New testing and learning platform aims to build the knowledge base for trust and transparency technologies in food systems.