A marine engineer embarks on making life easier for farmers in his native village, by establishing a one-stop shop agri-business center
The Bhusari Cold Storage in Begusarai, Bihar, has helped build the capacity of over 25,000 smallholder farmers through improved access to farming resources, advanced technologies, and advisories on climate-resilient agri-practices and allied services.
Advancing appropriate-scale mechanization in the Global South
Premised on sharing best practices and charting a way forward towards harnessing appropriate scale mechanization, CIMMYT led an engaging meeting with key stakeholders in Zambia.
Afriseed: How improved legume seed can help transform Zambia’s agrifood systems
Afriseed and AID-I are helping smallholder famers in Zambia transition to improved, high-yielding legumes.
Delivering the best seeds to farmers in Zambia
A seed fair in Zambia brings together farmers to explore climate-smart seed systems.
CGIAR Initiative on Diversification in East and Southern Africa
Community Business Facilitator: providing a service to farmers while increasing community access to nutritious food
Women farmers in Nepal are increasing their income and leading positive change in their communities through capacity building programs in mechanization and post-harvest management.
Hard work pays off
Young Nepalese farmers look towards prosperous futures in agriculture.
Agricultural Transformation in Africa
Bram Govaerts calls for support among CIMMYT, CGIAR, and African researchers.