Results for "family farming"
End of eight-year project leaves farmers ready to tackle climate change...
After eight years the Sustainable Intensification of Maize-Legume Cropping Systems for...
Three technologies that are changing agriculture in Bangladesh
In agrarian countries like Bangladesh, agriculture can serve as a powerful...
New funding focus on agricultural research key to achieve global development...
Food and agriculture have the potential to be major drivers in...
Breaking Ground: More data on gender roles key for a food...
Social inequality, including gender discrimination, hinders the potential for economic development,...
Breaking Ground: Crop simulation models help Balwinder Singh predict future challenges
Balwinder Singh uses crop simulation models to help smallholder farmers in...
Breaking Ground: Vijay Chaikam develops doubled haploid lines to accelerate maize...
Vijay Chaikam works as a scientist and manager at the International...
Q+A: Agricultural mechanization fuels opportunity for youth in rural Africa
Small-scale agricultural mechanization is showing signs it has the potential to...
Breakthroughs in agriculture for action on climate change
Climate change presents a formidable challenge as one of the biggest...
Obstacles to gender-smart fertilizer use hurt livelihoods, scientists say
Compiling gender-inclusive data could help scientists understand how to help improve...
Despite hardships, women running own households provide model of empowerment and...
GENNOVATE research reveals communities with numerous women-headed households record high levels...
Small machinery provides affordable options for women farmers in Nepal
Small-scale mechanization is becoming more important on farms in Nepal as...
Q+A: Scientist Thokozile Ndhlela inspires girls in Africa to embrace agriculture...
CIMMYT maize breeder Thokozile Ndhlela interviewed on career and inspiring girls...
Weeding out the losses: Striga challenges in Kenya
The Striga weed is one of the leading causes of crop...
Food security requires acceleration of advanced science, not just “feeding,” CIMMYT...
The agriculture for development sector must begin “nourishing” families with nutrition-sensitive...