Results for "conservation agriculture"
Research on climate-resilient wheat keeps Green Revolution on track
As the global population grows from a current 7 billion to...
Scale-appropriate mechanization: the intercontinental connection
CIMMYT aims to improve the livelihoods of poor farmers in the...
Mexican university students attend eighth annual CIMMYT open house
On 19 September CIMMYT-El Batán held the eighth annual Open House...
CCAFS climate smart village program progress makes news in India
The CCAFS Climate Smart Village (CSV) program recently earned significant media...
6th CSISA wheat breeding meeting reviews gains in South Asia
On 11-12 September, 61 scientists from Bangladesh, Bhutan, India and Nepal...
Toluca Experiment Station holds field day for CIMMYT scientists and staff
A field day was held on 4 September at CIMMYT’s Toluca...
CCAFS management team visits India: assessing and widening climate smart villages
The CGIAR Research Program on Climate Change, Agriculture and Food Security...
University of Wisconsin students experience Mexico’s maize and culture
On 9 August CIMMYT-El Batán welcomed a group of 22 students...
Recent activities and accomplishments of the Agricultural Innovation Project (AIP) for...
The Agricultural Innovation Project (AIP) for Pakistan, led by CIMMYT and...
Gupta Is new Director General of Borlaug Institute for South Asia
Hari S. Gupta was selected as the second Director General (DG)...