Results for "conservation agriculture"
CIMMYT farm mechanization project attracts wide coverage by Ethiopian media
Show and tell: when technology adoption becomes farmer-driven
Fostering public-private partnerships for decentralized wheat seed production in Pakistan
To strengthen functional linkages between private seed companies and public sector...
MasAgro impacts: four years harvesting sustainability in Mexico’s farmlands
Strengthening seed production capacity in Malawi
CIMMYT designed and gave an integrated maize seed systems training course...
Mexican leader expresses support for innovation and sustainable development
As part of his plan for working with Mexico, CIMMYT’s host...
The Skywalker Project: soaring to new heights
Though its name implies science fiction, Skywalker’s results have been incredibly...
First international training workshop on farming systems analysis in India
The international training workshop “Approaches for integrated analysis of agricultural systems...
Mapping agricultural opportunity: how GIS contributes to food security
CIMMYT Day gives staff opportunity to explore colleagues’ work
Green manures help Zambian and Malawian farmers feed crops and livestock
The Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) has...