Results for "conservation agriculture"
New Publications: Study shows benefits and trade-offs of conservation agriculture in...
CIMMYT with other partners combined empirical data and results from a...
Climate adaptation and mitigationAfrican Conservation Tillage Network CEO calls for high level support of...
Regional and national support for conservation agriculture is key to achieving...
Climate adaptation and mitigation, Nutrition, health and food securityBuilding a sustainable future: A history of conservation agriculture in southern...
Since 2004, conservation agriculture has helped farmers in southern Africa maintain...
Capacity development, Climate adaptation and mitigation,Annual meeting highlights adoption of conservation agriculture in Sichuan, China
CIMMYT is expanding conservation agricultural practices aimed at enhancing the productivity...
Climate adaptation and mitigation, Innovations,Cereal systems in South Asia show diverse benefits of conservation agriculture
Conservation agriculture practices are climate-smart, helping farmers adapt to climate change...
Capacity development, Climate adaptation and mitigation,Conservation agriculture expert at Oxford Farming Conference
Bram Govaerts, strategic leader for Sustainable Intensification in Latin America and...
InnovationsNew findings on gender gap in conservation agriculture
Interview with Clare Stirling, co-author of a new paper, reveals almost...
Gender equality, youth and social inclusion, InnovationsSmart mechanization is a continuous improvement process: the case of a...
SIMLESA-Mozambique learns more about conservation agriculture technologies in Brazil
Modern conservation agriculture systems presented in CIMMYT-China Science Week
CIMMYT sponsored a workshop in China with international experts presenting the...
Capacity development, InnovationsAIP-CIMMYT holds national meeting on conservation agriculture in Pakistan
“Cereal system productivity cannot be improved without improving agronomic practices,” declared...
InnovationsCIMMYT to host international conservation agriculture workshop during China Science Week
An international conservation agriculture (CA) workshop to be held during China...
Capacity development, InnovationsConservation agriculture in Africa: where does it fit?
The controversial debate among researchers about the suitability of conservation agriculture...
Innovations, Nutrition, health and food security