Results for "conservation agriculture"
Fact sheet debunking labor and mechanization myths presented in Zimbabwe
Research shows African farming households are far more dependent on hire...
CIMMYT and GOAL team up to help farmers in Zimbabwe fight...
Identifying best practices to fight the invasive pest.
Book launch: Lead farmers in eastern and southern Africa
A new book draws on experiences of men and women farmers...
New publications: Small businesses, potentially large impacts
The role of fertilizer traders as agricultural extension agents in Bangladesh.
CIMMYT and Clinton Foundation launch partnership to improve access to climate-resilient...
New partnership will help farmers in Malawi, Rwanda and Tanzania have...
To manage El Nino-related crop distress in eastern and southern Africa,...
Government support vital for deploying climate-resilient seeds and practices, say agriculture...
Sustainable and Resilient Farming Systems Intensification in the Eastern Gangetic Plains...
What’s new in southern Africa?
From smart mechanization to nutritious and drought tolerant seeds, partners discover...
Arun Kumar Joshi
BISA Managing Director, CIMMYT Country Representative for India and CIMMYT Regional Representative for South Asia
Innovative irrigation promises “more crop per drop” for India’s water-stressed cereals
A study demonstrates how rice and wheat can be grown using...
Is a world without hunger possible, asks Germany’s minister Gerd Müller...
Minister Müller explored the campus and heard about CIMMYT's latest innovations...
Breaking Ground: Rahma Adam unleashes the agricultural productivity of Africa’s women...
CIMMYT sociologist believes there is one vital resource that remains untapped...