Results for "conservation agriculture"
Best of 2020: Editors’ picks
This year, we published more than 250 stories related to maize...
Best of 2020: Our favorite videos
Kick back, press play and enjoy some of our favorite videos...
Money-making machines
Small-mechanization pilot initiative signs up 15 service providers to boost incomes...
An instant seed market
Seed fair in Masvingo, Zimbabwe — the first of its kind...
New publications: Voicing demand for farm power
Study explores how gender norms and intra-household dynamics shape women’s demand...
Farmers flock towards nutritious, orange maize
A growing number of smallholders in southern Zimbabwe adopt provitamin-A maize...
New publications: COVID-19 induced economic loss and ensuring food security for...
Study quantifies the economic losses from Bangladesh’s COVID-19 lockdowns and outlines...
Reflections on resilience
Mother-trial farmers in Zimbabwe’s Mwenezi district share their experiences, lessons and...
What is sustainable intensification?
Farming method can boost yields, increase farmers’ profits and reduce greenhouse...
Breaking Ground: Isaiah Nyagumbo advances climate-smart technologies to improve smallholder farming...
Systems agronomist transforms farmers' livelihoods through improved crop performance and soil...
Breaking Ground: Erick Ortiz Hernández innovates regional solutions for greater impact
The manager of one of CIMMYT’s innovation nodes in Mexico works...
Small is beautiful
7 ways to make small-scale mechanization work for African farmers.
When mothers learn from babies
The “learning by doing” concept helps farmers in Zimbabwe successfully adopt...