Results for "conservation agriculture"
Science, technology and farmers, the three pillars of CIMMYT at COP26
At global climate summit, CIMMYT scientists share adaptation and mitigation solutions...
A new vision of making profits drives mechanization service providers in...
Service providers offering mechanized services in Masvingo District, southern Zimbabwe realize...
World-class laboratories and research fields to the service of Mexico and...
Representatives of the Carlos Slim Foundation and Mexico’s National Agriculture Council...
The UN Food Systems Summit has arrived
CIMMYT and CGIAR contributions to the SDGs highlighted in new campaign.
CIMMYT becomes partner of choice in PepsiCo and Grupo Trimex’s sustainability...
The food and beverage company will source wheat produced sustainably from...
CIMMYT scientists join 60th All India Wheat and Barley Research Workers’...
Meeting highlights new varieties, production growth and strengthened collaboration through Accelerating...
Book launch: Sustainable intensification of maize-legume systems for food security in...
On September 9 2021, the Australian Centre for International Agricultural Research (ACIAR) and stakeholders...
CRP Maize Annual Report 2020
For nearly a decade, the CGIAR Research Program on Maize has...
CRP Wheat Annual Report 2020
WHEAT supported the release of 63 CGIAR-derived high-yielding and climate-resilient wheat...
Investment in maize for Africa pays off
New report quantifies the impact of 20 years of CGIAR-led maize...
New publications: Doubled haploids in maize — development, deployment and challenges
CIMMYT researchers outline the potential opportunities and key challenges of doubled...
An aspiration for entrepreneurship
CSISA initiatives support smallholder farmers in India to become successful entrepreneurs.
Solving South Asia’s sustainability issues will require a systems approach to...
New research shows that a portfolio of crop management practices can...
The past, present and future of agricultural research
Researchers join government officials and other stakeholders to discuss collaborative research...
Crop variety guide for farmers
New manual supports informed choices for climate resilience in Zimbabwe.