Results for "conservation agriculture"

Nutrition, health and food security

CIMMYT offers proven science and formidable partnerships to help achieve the...

tag iconNutrition, health and food security
Capacity development

Smallholder farmers increasingly benefit as the younger generation adopts mechanization and...

tag iconCapacity development
Nutrition, health and food security

CIMMYT and partners are working to accelerate the delivery of stress-tolerant...

tag iconNutrition, health and food security
Environmental health and biodiversity

Securing biological diversity is a key mission for both organizations.

tag iconEnvironmental health and biodiversity
Climate adaptation and mitigation

As rising temperatures and water scarcities threaten food production and affecting...

tag iconClimate adaptation and mitigation
Climate adaptation and mitigation

Zambia Minister of Agriculture host CIMMYT Director General for deliberations on...

tag iconClimate adaptation and mitigation
Climate adaptation and mitigation

CIMMYT researchers comb through data to enumerate the benefits, and costs,...

tag iconClimate adaptation and mitigation
Capacity development

In the Mbire and Murehwa districts of Zimbabwe, smallholder farmers are...

tag iconCapacity development, Environmental health and biodiversity,
Climate adaptation and mitigation

Ravi Ranjan took to farming after the death of his grandfather...

tag iconClimate adaptation and mitigation, Poverty reduction, livelihoods and jobs
Climate adaptation and mitigation

Around one thousand farmers flocked to a recent two-day climate-smart seed...

tag iconClimate adaptation and mitigation, Innovations
Environmental health and biodiversity

A study on the physical disturbance of soil shows that it...

tag iconEnvironmental health and biodiversity
Climate adaptation and mitigation

Exploring research-based solutions for the effects of climate change and food...

tag iconClimate adaptation and mitigation
Poverty reduction, livelihoods and jobs

Financially-accessible mechanization options are reducing labor and providing further job opportunities...

tag iconPoverty reduction, livelihoods and jobs
Environmental health and biodiversity

The new farming methods can raise harvests, enrich soils, and capture...

tag iconEnvironmental health and biodiversity
Climate adaptation and mitigation

A project run by CIMMYT is giving farmers access to demos,...

tag iconClimate adaptation and mitigation, Environmental health and biodiversity